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Emma's P.O.V

"Where is she?!" Calum yells across the other side of the hall.

"Calum, take it easy. Breathe in, breathe out. Jeez, you look like you have to give birth. She's in room number 4..." I say when I hold him by his shoulders.

He gives me an annoyed look and he quickly walks into the room. I smile at Luke who stood behind Calum.

"Hi." I say while moving closer to him.

He smiles and he wraps his arms around me. He presses his lips against my forhead.

"How's Ella?" He asks.

"She's okay. She's gonna give birth any minute." I say.

And right at that moment, we hear Calum yelling, again. "THE BABY IS COMING OMG."

Michael and Ashton both walk in the hallway.

"Okay, you go in there, we stay here." Michael says when he hears Ella screaming.

I start laughing and I walk in the room.

Calum is holding Ella's hand very thight, no wait, Ella is holding Calum very thight. It seems like she's crushing his hands.

I go stand at the other side of Ella while she is pushing the baby out.

"It looks good." The doctor says, who is helping Ella to give birth.

"Did he just said that while looking at her vagina?" Calum says.

I can't help it but I start laughing.

"Calum!" Ella says embarrassed, and right after she screams again.

"It's gonna start. Emma, you tell Ella how to breathe?"

I nod and I look at Ella. "Breathe in." I breathe in, and Ella does the same. "Breathe out." And we breathe out.

After 5 breathes, she pushes. We repeat this often and suddenly we hear a baby crying. Ella starts crying.

Well, actually she was crying the whole time... But that was because of the pain, now it's just happiness.

The doctor lays the baby, which is a girl because she doesn't have a little sausage and little nuts, in Ella's arms after they cleaned her and put her clothes on.

"Hello Matilda, welcome to this world." Ella says with a smile.

"Hey little girl." Calum says.

Luke, Mikey and Ash walk in. Luke comes standing next to me and he puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Congratulations." Luke says with a smile.

We all just look at Matilda, the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.

And then I notice something.

"Guys? I'm sorry to interrupt your little moment together, but I don't think that kid is Mikey's..." I say while looking at it.

They both look at me like I'm joking.

"Guys I'm serious." I say. "Mikey is fucking pale. Matilda is tanned...."I look at Michael. "Sorry." I say.

He shakes it head, as a sign that it's okay.

"Emma, we are tanned too..." Ella says.

"Yeah, but not as tanned as Cal." I say.

"And besides." Michael says. "I don't have a huge nose like that."

"Michael!" Calum says.

"Thanks for insulting my baby when she's like 5 minutes on this planet." Ella says

"Could you maybe do a dna-test?" I ask while a nurse walks in.

She looks confused.

"We don't know who the father is..." Calum says.

The nurse looks at Ella, nods, and then walks away.

"Well done guys. Now she thinks I'm a slut."

"Well.. you are..." Michael says.

"Great, thanks." Ella says.

A doctor walks in with the same nurse.

"Who might be the father?" The doctor asks.

Calum and Michael raise their hands. The nurse takes them with Matilda to a different room and the doctor stays.

He asks Luke and Ashton to leave.

"Thank you." Ella says.

The doctor nods.

Then she turns towards me.

"I have to tell you something..." She says, and her smile is gone.

"What is it?" I say with a little smile, a bit worried.

"Emma... I'm really sorry I didn't told you earlier. I just didn't want you to worry. I know it's wrong of me, but I just couldn't tell you, or anyone else."

"What is going on Ella?" I say, totally worried now.

"I have cancer." She says.

And my world falls apart.

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