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Ashton's P.O.V

The people in the church are holding their breathes. Emma's speech was really good.

Today is Ella's funeral, and I know how badly Emma wanted to skip it.

Emma stands there, in front of the church, next to Ella's coffin, and she looks our way. She gives a little smile, but I see how hard she's trying to hold back her tears.

She turns her head to Ella.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Ella." She says and I see a tear rolling down her cheek. "I will see you in an afterlife."


It's the end of the funeral and we are standing in a line. People are walking bye to condoleance Calum and Emma.

"Your speech was very beautiful." A lady says to Emma.

"Thank you miss. I tried my hardest." Emma says and she smiles polite.

"You loved your sister very much, didn't you?" She asks.

"No, I still love her. Now that she is gone doesn't mean I don't love her anymore..." Emma says and she starts getting mad.

Luke puts his arm around her so she will calm a bit.

"Ah Lauren, there you are." A man walks to us. "Emma...." He looks at her. "You must be Emma. I am very sorry for your lost."

"Thank you, mr... ?" Emma says.

"Mr. Smith, Frank, nice to meet you." He says and they shake hands.

Wait a minute...

They have the same blue eyes...

And I see Luke notices too. Emma doesn't, but that isn't very weird. She doesn't get lost in her own beautiful eyes like I do.

"Do you have kids?" Luke asks.

Emma looks at him with a confused look in her eyes.

"We had kids, but not anymore." Lauren says.

"Oh, why don't we just say it?" Frank says to Lauren. "Emma, this will be a huge shock to you, but we are you biological parents."

Emma grabs Luke. "Wait. What?!" She shakes her head. "I have to go outside." Emma whispers at Luke and she walks away.

Luke asks if I will get after her, which I do.

Emma lits up a cigarette and inhales deep.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No not exactly."

She inhales a few more times and then gives the cigarette to me.

"Here, hold it please. I have to go back and say something." Emma says and she walks back inside.

Calum's P.O.V

"What got into your mind for you to decide to come to your daughters funeral while you don't even know her?!" Emma walks back inside and she is really pissed off.

"Emma don't do this." Luke says.

"What got into your mind for you to decide that you gave us away?!" Emma continues. "Oh no wait. You just dropped us somewhere in an orphanage, thinking we would be adopted very soon, right?"

"Emma, we understand that you are mad at us, but please let us explain it." Frank starts.

Emma shakes her head. "I can't listen to your bullshit."

"Think about Ella... Would she let us explain it?" Lauren says.

"What the hell?!" Michael says.

Frank looks really mad at Lauren.

"Look, I'm just saying that you need to give us a chance." Lauren says.

"No, "Lauren" I am done. It took you 20 years to visit us. 20 years to visit your daughters and you will never get to know one of them." Emma says.

"You should be happy we even came to visit you!" Lauren says.

"Should I be happy that you came to my fucking sisters funeral?!" Emma starts yelling.

"No listen Emma." Frank says. "We came here to support you..."

"I am very sorry, but I am not like Ella... Ella would give you a chance, she would indeed let you explain it. But I am not like her. I gave up on you. I don't want to have anything to do with you. For me, you are just a couple who gave away their daughters for god knows what reason." Emma says. "Now could you please leave?"

Frank nods and he takes Lauren with him outside.

"Are you okay?" Luke asks worried.

"Same applies for you. Could you please leave." Emma says.

Luke clears his throat and I can see in his eyes that he feels a bit uncomfortable.

"Yeah of course. Come guys. Let's go." I say to Michael and Luke.

And right before I close the door, I hear Emma bursting out in tears.

"I am so sorry Ella."

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now