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Luke's P.O.V

I can't stop staring at Emma. She sits in front of me but she only looks at her shoes. Ella is sitting next to Calum and next to me is Ashton with Michael.

"I'm really curious..." Ella starts. "Why did you invited us?"

It looks like Emma and Ella changed personality's... Now Emma is the quiet and shy one.

Calum clears his throat. He looks at me for a second and then he looks to his hands that rest on his knees.

"Well, when you accepted my follow request, I saw this picture of you and Emma..." He stops for a second. "... In front of the orphanage."

Emma's head shoots up and she looks a bit angry. She stands up really quickly and she walks outside. Ella doesn't say anything. We all sit in silence for like 5 minutes. Then I stand up and I walk to Emma who's sitting on the sidewalk.

"Hey, you're alright?" I ask while I'm going to sit next to her.

She shrugs and rubs her tears away. I put my arm around her and I pull her closer to me. She rests her head on my shoulder and she starts crying again. I don't say anything, I just comfort her by rubbing softly over her arm.

"It's just that..." She takes a deep breath. "... I never wanted anyone to know about this. They will feel sorry for us, but they can't help us. They will feel sorry that we lost our parents..." She looks at me with blinking tears in her pretty blue eyes. "Our parents gave us away."

"Oh god. I didn't e-" I start.

She interrups me. "-Expect it? I know. No one does."

I get up and pull her up. I wrap my arms around her and let my chin rest on her head. She snuggles against my chest and I notice that she needs someone to comfort her. I'm not saying that Ella doesn't comfort her, but Ella is exactly at the same stage as her, so she should also someone to comfort her.

Emma lets go of me and looks at her feet.

"You're ready to get back in?" I ask.

She looks at me and shakes her head. "I wanna wait outside for Ella. Thank you."

"You want me to wait with you?"

She shakes her head again. "No, I'm okay, thank you."

I nod and give her a gentle squeeze on her hand before I go back inside.

Ella's P.O.V

I walk to Emma and I give her a hug. I don't say anything. I just stand there with my arms around her.

"Let's go home." Emma whispers.

I nod and I wave quickly at Calum and the others.

While Emma went outside and Luke followed her, Calum put his arm around me. I started crying. Me and Emma haven't told anyone that we live in an orphanage. No one from school follows me on instagram, only the other kids from the orphanage. I should've thought before I accepted his friendrequest. I was so stupid. I should've known that Emma wouldn't be able to handle this. I don't know why, but she always has troubles with it. When someone asks about our parents, she can get so mad, or she just starts to cry. It looks like she's really mad at our parents and that they left us behind.

As we walk back to the orphanage, Emma sqeezes my hand.

"Don't feel guilty." She whispers.

I look at her gratefully and give her a kiss on the cheek.

When we walk in the street of the orphanage, we see two police cars in front of the door.

We walk towards it and we see Cruella talking to some cops.

"There! There they are!" She yells while she's pointing at us.

The cops come up to us.

"Pack your stuff, you are coming with us."

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