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(2 weeks later)

Ashton's P.O.V

"Emma? Can I talk to you for a second?" I asks when I enter her and Luke's room.

Emma is packing her stuff and Luke isn't around. She looks surprised.

"Err yeah sure." She says. "Luke, I'm outside." She yells at the closed door that leads to the bathroom.

We walk to the balcony and I close the door behind us.

"What's up?" She asks while she's leaning against the banister.

"I'm not sure if Ella has told you, but two weeks ago, when you went to the club with Luke and Michael, I went to Bryana. When I came back the morning after, I heard Ella crying. She was in Calum's bathroom." I say.

I tell her about that Ella was puking and she was scared that she might be pregnant.

Emma's mouth drops.

"But that's not all. I heard her puking again this week in the mornings. I was awake early everyday, just like her, but everyone else was still sleeping, so nobody heard it except me." I say.

"Fuck." She mutters. "Thank you." She says quickly and she goes back inside

I see her walking to Calum's room.

Ella's P.O.V

I hear someone knocking on the door. My heart stops for a second. Calum would be gone for another hour. Shit.

"Ella?" It's Emma. "Ella please open the door."

I slowly open the door and I see Emma standing there with tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

She walks in and she closes the door behind her.

I shake my head and I start crying. "I-i'm pregnant." I whisper as I show her the pregnancy test, which is positive.

"Fuck." She mutters.

Luke's P.O.V

I see Emma walking to Calum's room. I hear her knocking on the bathroom-door and then I hear the door opening and closing. Then I hear somebody crying. I walk over to Calum's room and I was about to knock on the door before I heard something shocking.

"I-i'm pregnant."

I am so confused right now, because I don't know who it was. Sometimes, when Emma and Ella are whispering or talking very quiet, you can't hear the difference between their voices. Then and only then, they have the exact same voice.

"Fuck." Somebody mutters.

Then they both start crying. I don't know what that is with girls, but if one is crying, the other also starts crying.

Luke, stop, that's not the issue right now!

One of them is pregnant.


I go back to my room and I'm going to sit on the bed, with my head in my hands.

What if it's Emma? Will she go back to Jason? Will I lose her again?

Luke, stop thinking!

I hear them talking. Apparently they are out of the bathroom.

"I'll tell Luke." I hear Emma say.

And the next thing I hear is Emma saying hi, standing in front of me with red eyes of crying.

"What's going on?" I ask.

She walks towards me and she comes sitting next to me.

"Ella is pregnant." She mutters. "But she doesn't know who the dad is..."

"Fuck." I mutter.

She smiles a bit. "Yeah, that's what I said."

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