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Emma's P.O.V

"Merry Christmas." I say to Ella while I'm handing a present over.

Her face lights up with a smile while she takes the present. She puts it on her legs and she slowly unwraps it. She holds a small box in her hands while she throws the paper away. She looks at me with a curious look in her eyes. She opens the box and a small charm is waiting for Ella to put on, and wear it forever. It's a little heart, with the word "forever" in it. She puts her wrist out to me where the bracelet is. I take off her bracelet and give it back to her. She hangs the charm there and I clear my throat.

"This is our last Christmas here in this shitty orphanage, but I just want to let you know that I will never ever leave your side."

Ella has tears in her eyes. I take her wrist and put the bracelet back to its original place.

"I have been collecting these charms for the past few years, to show you what's really important."

Ella looks down at her wrist and takes every charm between her fingers. On every charm there is a word. When she has read every word, she looks back at me. The tears are streaming down her face.

The words are one sentence: I love you till the day after forever.

She puts her arms around me and hugs me. She starts to cry and then I start crying with her.

After a few minutes she lets go of me.

"I've got a present for you too." She says and she holds up a present that comes behind her back.

I unwrapped it and it's a box too. I open it and a beautiful necklace with the same heart and the same word.


I look at her and I start smiling.

"Apparantly we both liked that heart so much." Ella says.

Even though we've got the same heart now, it still makes me emotional. That heart really meant a lot to me, and that was why I bought it for Ella. I wanted her to know that my love for her will be forever.

"I just wanted you to know that my love for you will be forever." Ella says at the same time.

I suddenly start crying. "I don't wanna live without you. But I'm so scared that when we turn 18, that we both go a different paths..."

Ella's P.O.V

Did I heard that correct?

Emma, my beautiful sister Emma, is scared that she'll lose me? While I'm scared to death that I'll lose her?

"I'm sorry." she mutters while she quickly dries her tears.

"It's okay." I whisper while I lean forward to give her a hug. "To be honest with you, I'm scared too that we'll take different paths."

Emma looks at me with tears in her eyes and a tiny little smile on her face. "I've spent as long as I can remember, all my days with you. You were always the one who got my back, I don't wanna change that." She whispers back. "Because I love you to death."

"I love you too, more then you'll ever know."

"So we're gonna stay together?" Emma asks.

I nod. "Forever."

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