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Ella's P.O.V

It's been a few days after me, Emma and the boys started hanging out without any arguments.

I was gonna go to uni, but right now, I really can't be bothered.

Luke asked me and Emma if we wanted to come on tour for a month, or maybe longer.

Of course we said yes!

Right now the boys are on stage testing the microphones and instruments.
Me and Emma are sitting 5 rows back just watching them.

Emma is just looking at Luke with a huge smile on her face, when Luke catches her staring he just winks at her.

When they had finished me and Emma looked at each other, nodded and counted to 3:
One, two, three

We started pissing ourselfs, we found it hilarious. It really wasn't.
The boys started laughing cause we were laughing.


It's after the show and it's me, Ashton and Calum in the hotel.

Michael, Emma and Luke have gone out to god knows where.

"So how was the concert?" Ashton asks me.

"Oh the usual.... ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!" I say and he has a huge grin on his face.

"Ella can I ask you a question?" Calum says out of the blue.

"Anything" I say with a smile.

He thinks for a moment. "Err what's it like... being a... girl?" He says getting embarrassed because he realised how stupid that sounds.

Me and Ashton start laughing our heads off.
I haven't laughed this much in a while, God I have missed it.

"Calum what a weird question." I say with tears of joy in my eyes.

"I'm sorry you don't have to answer."

"No I want too." I say looking into his eyes.

"Being a girl is... confusing lets just say that." I say with a small chuckle.

Calum and Ashton look at me, waiting for me to carry on. They actually want to know.

"Well I love being a girl, but everyone automatically thinks you do everything the same to other girls, like we're robots. Y'know what I mean?"

I look at the boys and they nod.

"You've got to live up to the standards of the successful girls, or have the body of models, and not all girls are like that. That's why girls feel insecure because we have to live like the men want us too, and it makes us feel like crap" I say getting really into it, and actually feeling abit sad.

Calum rubs my back, I smile at him.

"But apart from periods and feeling insecure, being a girl is great" I let out a little chuckle.

*beep beep* Ashton pulls out his phone, he reads it then looks up.

"Bryanna is feeling sad so I'm gonna go to her for a little bit because she's in town, I'll see you guys later."

He gets up and hugs us.

So me and Calum are alone... For some reason there's a comfortable silence.. For once it's not awkward.

Calum looks at me and smiles, I pull a weird face which makes him laugh.

We're just staring...

Should I? I just broke up with my boyfriend, well ex.

He's leaning in... Oh god what do I do!?!

He's flicking his eyes between my eyes and lips.

I nod...


I close my eyes and then I feel his lips....
We start moving are lips together in sync. He's a good kisser.

Wait.. I'm making out with CALUM FREAKING HOOD

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