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Michael's P.O.V

*Week after Christmas*

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late to band practice, my mum forced me to clean my room" I said while walking into Ashton's garage.

"Hey don't worry bout it, Calum's not even here" Ashton says while rolling his eyes.

I just chuckle and sit next to Luke who looks extremely happy, he's smiling like an idiot.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask Luke poking his cheeks, making him jump.

"What?" He asks me, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I saaaaiiid, why are you so happy?" I reply, dragging out the word.

"Oh.....no reason" He looks at me with the biggest smile on his face, seriously he can't tell me.

"Pleassssssse tell me lukey" I said trying to do puppy eyes, but failing terribly.

"No just leave it!"

Oops i think he's mad......

"LUKE LIKES SOMEONE!!" Ashton shouted.

"NO I FUCKING DON'T" He shouted at Ashton and chucked a pillow at him, but Ashton dodged it.

We all start laughing, still waiting for Calum.

Calum's P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed, just scrolling through Instagram, and I saw a picture with Ella in it. She was tagged in it..... Should I look.... No..... Yes..... No..... Oh fuck it I'm gonna do it.

I click on her profile, her bio comes up :

.....bands are my life.....
.....sisters forever.....
❤️Its a promise❤

Wait whats a promise? .... What's is she on about.
I try and scroll down but I can't..... Uhhhh she's got a private account.

But if I ask her for a follow.... She'll think I'm a creep!
CRAP! What do I do?!
Screw it I'm gonna do it......
it's sent.

I lock phone, flop back on my bed and just look up at the ceiling... And just wait.

My head shoots up!
It reads: Ella Smith has just accepted your friend request, now you can see her photos and videos
Hooooly crap!

Then all of sudden I get another notification:
Ella Smith has requested to follow you
Omg yessss of course... She can follow me on anything. I press the tick.. Well I thought I did! Crap I pressed the X!

I quickly DM her saying "Umm hi it's Calum sorry I accidentally declined your friend request haha sorry could you send another one haha." I'll just wait.

Oh it says 'seen'.... Is she gonna reply.
"Hey don't worry about it 😊of course I can" wow she's so nice.

Then the notification pops up, I click and I slowly and steadily press the tick... Did I do it YESSS! That was the most stressful thing I've ever done, pheww.

Ohhh lets go and see her profile.. Wait am I being a stalker? No it's fine.
The first one is her laying on her bed with the dog filter, from snapchat, and it's in black n white. Actually looking at the whole account most of them are black n white.

The next one is a picture of a rose, the caption is 'Will you defeat them
Your demons and all the non-believers
The plans they have made'

This girl is amazing.

The next picture is her and Emma and the caption is just the 👯 emoji..
Wait they're outside a house, it has a sign on it but I can't quite read it..is that an orphanage?... no I can't be I'm just going crazy.

*ding* text from Michael

Oh crap forgot about that! I quickly take one more look at Ella then lock my phone and run out the door.

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