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Ashton's P.O.V

It's been a couple of months since we were signed up to Capitol Records, it's been amazing.

We've already got one EP out, apparently it's selling really well. Me and the boys still can't believe it... We actually made it.

Today we're going to perform in a mall, and we're going to do a signing after that, I'm so excited, well a mixture of excitement and nervous, but mostly excitement.

Thing is you may think I've forgotten about..... her, well I haven't. She's in my mind day and night and it's driving me crazy.
I still remember when I started high school, I always thought "Ewww girls are smelly, I'm only going to have a girlfriend when I'm 30." Well, I need her in my life, but no she's in fucking America.

Ella's P.O.V

So me and Emma have been here for a couple of months... And it's not that bad, in fact I'm loving it. The heat, the education I'm getting and the boys!
They are so hot I can't believe and we are allowed to date them! Yay.

I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet but we are probably one of the popular kids, but not like Bethany, cause she's a sneaky bitch, but like everybody knows us here and we know them and all the kids here are so fricking nice, they made us feel so welcome.

Me and Emma met this girl called Lilly, she's so nice and I guess she's one of our bestfriend. It's nice, you know, not just having me and Emma. Don't get me wrong I love Emma and I would gladly hang out with her but it's nice to hear different stories.

As me, Emma and Lilly were walking to the cafeteria, two guys walked past us, I've got my eye on one of them, his name is Tom Richer, holy crap is he hot. His jaw line is perfect, he silky brown hair and gorgeous dark blue eyes that I could just look at all day.

Then there's Jason, Emma's lover boy. They have talked cause they sit next to each other in science and she always helps him and it's that moment when she's trying to explain something but he is just looking at her and when she looks up at his chocolate eyes, they both just stare until one of them looks down... Cheesy but cute.

Yeah his name is Jason Green, he has brown hair and brown eyes and his body, damn his body is good.

"Hey there girlies." Tom says with a wink.
Yeah we are friends, I made it sound like we're too shy to talk to them.

"Hey " I say to them both and I just smile while looking at Tom.

Oh did I tell you Jason and Emma are going out... No? Oh well Jason and Emma are going out, they make out right in front of me, Tom and Lilly.

"Really guys? In the corridor" Lilly says and rolls her eyes.

Both Emma and Jason put their middle finger up at us, wow match made in heaven.

"I'm hungry and in a minute I'm gonna become hangry and you won't like me when I'm hangry!" I say looking at the door to the cafeteria.

Tom laughs at me.

"Ummm laughing at Ella Smith plans thank you" I say in my posh teacher voice, which makes Tom laughs even harder and shows off his pearl white smile, I didn't realise I was staring until Lilly punched my arm.

"What did you do that for?!"

"Cause you were staring, you don't want him to find out..." Lilly starts.

I interup her by screaming. Lilly was about to say that I liked Tom IN FRONT OF HIM!

"Find out about what?" Tom asked puzzled.

"Seriously Tom, Ella has a fucking HUGE crush on you!" Jason blurts out, I look at him, he looks at me, I could read on his face that he was getting scared of me.

"I'm sorry Ella it just came out...." Jason says seriously...

I couldn't hold it in...

"That's what she said!!" Me, Lilly and Emma both say that at the same time and we high five each other.

"You guys are ridiculous" Jason says while laughing.

He takes Emma's hand and walks with her to the cafeteria, while me, Tom and Lilly both walked behind.

I felt Tom pulling me back gently.
"Listen Tom..." I say but get cut off with him kissing me.......

Can I just remind you that this is my first kiss.... And it's with THOMAS RICHER!

"I like you too." He chuckles ....

So life does get better, I say to myself and a smile takes over my face.

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