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Luke's P.O.V

"You wanna drink something?" I yell at Emma above the music.

She nods. "I'd like to have some shots and vodka." She yells back.

I nod and I walk to the bar with Michael. We're in a club and there are loads of people. I order some shots for us and vodka for Emma and me but Michael wanted some whisky. I pay and we take the drinks back to Emma.

I give a shot to Emma and her vodka. She holds up her shot, yells "CHEERS!" and she throws her head back and chucks the alcohol down her throat. She squeezes her eyes because of the pure alcohol and then she starts smiling. She holds out her hand and I give her another shot. Me and Mikey do the same and I feel the alcohol burning in my throat.

Emma comes standing in front of me. I put my arms around her shoulders and she starts kissing me. I notice she's pretty drunk, but I'm too, so it doesn't matter. I feel her tongue licking my lips and soon our tongues found each other. She pushes her body against mine and I slowly let my arms fall to her hips.

"Damn, you're so hot." I mouth at her.

She's wearing a black, ripped, skinny jeans with a green day top on it and the white with black stripes addidas shoes. Her blonde hair is shining in the lights of the club and it's just above her shoulders.

She starts blushing and I kiss her again.

I still can't believe it.

I still can't believe she's actually mine...

Michael's P.O.V

We sit in a cab, back to our hotel. Emma is sitting between us and she's really drunk. She drank our shots when we weren't watching.

"I loove your hairr!" She says while touching my pink hair.

I grab her hand and lay it back on her legs. "Thank you and please don't touch it." I say very friendly.

Luke starts laughing and puts his arm around Emma.

"What?" She asks him.

"I love you!" He says and he kisses her.

"I-i lovee yoou toooo" She says and they kiss again.

They're really cute together and I'm very happy for Luke that she's his now.

Emma lays her head back on the couch and she starts laughing out of nowhere.

"I need to confess something." She says giggling.

Because she's very drunk, it's hard to hear her.

"I heard you talking to Jason that day when we went to him. I heard him saying that he knew you loved me by the way you looked at me." She says slowly. "And when you told me you loved me, you were so broken."

Luke looks very surprised.

She gives him a kiss. "That was the reason why I didn't go on the plane. Because you were in love with me..." She pauses for a second. "And I couldn't forgive myself if I left, don't ask me why." She chuckles. "But you saved my life Luke..."

My mouth drops and Luke looks really pale. I look at him and he looks at me. Slowly I see tears appearing in his eyes.

"Don't cry." She says giggly of the alcohol and she puts one hand on his cheek.

Luke looks at her, deep in her eyes, and is just looking. He looks at her mouth, her nose, her eyes, everything. Emma doesn't laugh anymore and they are just staring at each other.

"We're meant to be." Emma whispers, and for a second, it sounds like she isn't drunk anymore.

And then we arrive at the hotel and Emma starts giggling again.

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now