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Luke's P.O.V

6 months since.. She left. Why is she still on my mind... It's been 6 months...

I don't understand why I can't just type 'Emma Smith' in Instagram and then DM her and we could become friends. But no, I have to be an awkward teenage boy.

Wait, what if I tell her I'm in a band.. Maybe she like me then.
Yeah I'm gonna do it!

I quickly grab my phone and go on Instagram and find Emma's profile, wow her profile pic is amazing.
But it isn't private...

"Hey Luke what you doing?"

Wait who's that? Just before I try and ask who it is, Michael falls on my bed. I quickly lock my phone.

"What were you doing on your phone?" He asked puzzled

I look down at the bed.

"Ohhhh....I know what you were doing." He looks at me and winks.

"Eww fuck no Michael what is wrong with you!" I ask?

"Well you are a teenage boy..." He says laughing.

"Actually I was just on Instagram, looking at Emma"

"Seriously!? You're still not over her?" Michael sounded shocked

"Dude how could I get over her, she's all I want" I sigh.

"Give me your phone!"

I look up at Michael likes he's gone mental

"Just give me your phone, don't be a pussy"

I pass my phone over, scared off what he was gonna do.

He knows my password already it's my birthday, yeah original I know.

"Michael what are doing?" I say trying to look over his shoulder. "Seriously what the hell are you doing!?!"

"Sent!" He shouts...



He chucks my phone back. I look down at my phone.. He sent this: "Hey Emma it's lukey, haven't talked for a while. How's America?"

"Fuck you Michael!" I shout at him and I hang my head in my hands.

"Dude I'm sorry I...I"

"Just fuck off Michael!" I shout at him, he looks hurt.

Fuck what have I done.

"Look mich..." I try and say but Michael interrupts me.

"Save it.. I was trying to help you get the girl you love but no Mr.Hemmings is obviously to much of a pussy to do" He walks out my room, slamming the door.

Oh god, I hope I haven't lost my bestfriend, I sigh at the thought of it.

I look down at my phone, the message say 'seen' but she hasn't said anything...

Jason's P.O.V

Emma's phone went off while she was in the shower, a boy called Luke Hemmings, she never talked about a Mr. Luke Hemmings

I unlock her phone, her password is my name, cute.

The message says: "Hey Emma it's lukey, haven't talked for a while. How's America?"

Lukey? Why didn't she talk about him.

Should I message him...no.

I just stare at it, then I hear my girlfriend singing in the shower and remembered how precious she is, I don't want to ruin a friendship.

"Hi it's Jason, Emma's boyfriend, don't know if she mentioned me before but she's in the shower at the moment. I'll tell her you said hi."

I click send, just as I do it Emma walks out.

Luke's P.O.V

Suddenly I hear my phone go off, I quickly look at the screen.
'Emma Smith has sent you a message'
Really? This could be it, this could be my chance.

I unlock my phone, I get anxious when I wait for it to load, but... What I read was not what I was expecting...

She has a-a boyfriend.

I go onto her profile and the when I scroll down, I see a picture of Emma and Jason.
He's so handsome and tanned and American, how am I ever gonna beat that.

I just lock my phone and stare at the ceiling...

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now