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Luke's P.O.V

Emma knocks on Jason's door. After a few seconds, the door opens. When Jason sees Emma, his face turns pale.

"E-Emma? What are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again." Jason says.

"I know, but Tom told me something and I wanna hear it from you..." Emma says.

"What did he say?"

"You tell me." Emma crosses her arms.

"D-do you wanna come in?" Jason opens his door.

I look over to Emma, she shakes her head.

"Come on man, just say it." I say to Jason, because I'm getting tired of his bullshit.

"Look man, you should stay out of it!" He says and he steps closer to me.

"No, I'm not gonna stay out of it. You hurt her, and you're acting like you don't even care." I say.

She grabs my hand. "Luke, please." Emma whispers.

Jason looks at our hands. "Ah, I see what's going on. You want to make me jealous, that's why you are here... Aren't you?" He starts laughing. "God, once a slut, always a slut."

He turns around and wants to close the door, but I'm quicker and I put my foot between the door and the doorway.

"Don't you fucking dare to call her a slut. She didn't cheat on you motherfucker, you did!" I whisper deadly.

I've never been this mad at a person. I'm not sure what my mother will think of it when she hear this.

"Is it true what Tom said?" Emma asks.

Jason walks back out again. He steps out and closes the door behind him and leans against it.

"Is it true that you didn't loved me anymore and that's why you started to cheat on me?" Emma asks with a shaky voice.

Jason nods.

"Why didn't you just tell me? Then we would've break up and maybe we could've stayed friends..." I see the hope in Emma's eyes.

Fuck. This isn't good. She is still in love with Jason.

"I don't know Emma. I didn't want to hurt you. But I should've realised that I was hurting you more this way..." Jason says. "C-can you forgive me?"

Emma looks at him for a while.

"No I can't Jason." She says finally.

She takes off the bracelet that was on her wrist and gives it back to him.

She walks away. Away from Jason. I think she's moving on now.

I want to go after her, but Jason puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I hope you'll make her happier then I did." He says to me.

"We're not dating... She just broke up with you..." I say and I'm about to get mad at him, again.

"I know you love her." He says

"Wait, what?" I say confused.

"Well, I can see it by the way you are looking at her. I used to look the same way, but I stopped. And I know you won't. Don't ask me how I know it, I just know." Jason says.

I turn a bit red. Nobody knows I'm still in love with Emma. Not her and not the boys.

"And Ella told us when you dm'ed Emma a long while ago."

"Oh great." I mutter.

"Please Luke, grab her and never let her go. Please treat her better then I ever did." Jason says and he goes back in.

I stand there, not knowing what to do.

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