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Michael's P.O.V

"...I'm .... I'm" I can't say anything, no words are coming out. I just stare at Ella with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry Mikey... I... I should've told you." Tears start to form in her eyes, crap what do I do?!

Should I be angry that she hasn't told me or do I stay and be happy!?

"Mikey.. please just say something!" Ella now has tears streaming down her face, I stay silent for a couple seconds.

"Does...Calum know"

She nods

"I couldn't lie to Calum-"

"But you could lie to me!!" I stand up, frustrated.

"Michael please don't."

"No Ella! You've told everyone else except THE FUCKING FATHER" Why am I getting annoyed, I should be happy.

I look up at Ella, she's still sitting down but she has her head in her hands.

I sigh "I'm so sorry Ella" I go and sit next to her, then bring her into a side hug.

She lays her head on my shoulder and I lean me head on top of hers.

"You shouldn't be sorry Michael."

"Yes I should, I lashed out at you.. but you're pregnant with-"

"Might be" she butts in and I look at her and she smiles.

She's so pretty, Calum's one lucky bugger.

"Soooorry, you MIGHT BE pregnant with my child"

After that we just sit there, I rock her a little.

...Couple minutes past...

"I should've told you Michael" she looks up at me with regret in her eyes.

"Yeah you should've" I joke. "But it's fine.. I know now" I laughed it off.

After a while we decide to play call of duty as nobody else is home.

"YES I WON!" She jumped up and jumped about.

"Yeah only because I let you win" I crossed my arms but she sticks her middle finger up at me

"Hey babe" Calum walks in going to hug Ella, while Calum was doing that I feel a little bit jealous...

Not that I have a crush on Ella it's just... I'm so lonely.

I chuckle at myself and shake my head.

"What are you laughing about?" Ella looks at me weirdly.

"Oh..nothing don't worry."I put on a fake smile, I don't think she buys it but Calum butts in.

"Ella I need to talk to you...." He looks at me.
"In private." He gives me a weak smile and I nod.

I get up and only walk out the door for a second..

"I think I'm gonna g-" I turn around but Calum has already shut the door.

I let out a huge sigh and just walk out.

Ella's P.O.V

"Have you told him?!" Calum half shouts half whispers.

"Yes I have!" I whisper back. "..... why are we whispering" I say to him.

"I don't fucking know, do I?" He laughs while pulling into a hug.

"But seriously, did you tell him?" he asks again.

"Yeeeees" I giggle.

"How did he take it?"

"Actually alright, he was abit pissed but who wouldn't be."

All of a sudden I feel a slight kick in my stomach, I look down and smile.


"...the babies kicking..."I take his hand and rest it where the baby is kicking.

A huge kick happens.

"I think he/she likes you" I kiss him on the lips. "I love you Calum" I feel a kick "oh yeah and you" I smile down.

"I love you more" Calum comes closer and whispers in my ears, sending goose bumps down my body.

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now