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Ashton's P.O.V

"Where are you?!" Luke asks to Emma.

Ella's phone was ringing a few times and when Luke saw it was Emma, he picked up.

"Okay, I'm coming to you! Stay where you are!" Luke says and he hangs up.

"What's wrong?" Calum asks.

Luke ignores him. "Ash, can you drive? I need to get Emma."

I just nod and grab the keys for one of the crews car.

When we sit in the car, Luke starts explaining.

"Emma went back home to Jason, but he was cheating on her with her best friend." Luke says.

"With Lilly?" Calum asks.

"I think so..." Luke says.

"Fuck." I mutter.

We drive to the place where Emma is and we see her sitting on a bench. Luke gets out of the car and walks to Emma. Calum and me also get out of the car. Luke pulls Emma up and he hugs her. Emma is still crying and I quietly open the car door. Luke walks back to the car with Emma and when they want to get in, someone is yelling her name.

"Emma! Emma please wait!" Jason yells, while he runs towards us.

Emma turns around and stares at him deadly. "What do you want from me Jason?"

"I-I love you Emma. I'm so sorry." He says.

"Well, you're a little late, aren't you?" Emma says.

"Emma, please, give me one more chance. It was an accident." Jason starts begging.

I'm not sure if Emma is gonna fall for it. I hope not. She deserves so much better then this dick.

"Cheating is not an accident Jason. Falling off a bike is an accident. You don't trip and fall into a vagina." Emma says and she put one foot in the car.

I can't help it but I'm laughing. Calum is laughing too, that comeback was actually really good.

"Emma, if you get in that car, I'm gonna make sure your life won't be as fun as it is now." Jason suddenly says, with dark eyes.

"Oh so you think I'm still having fun after I caught you cheating on me?!" Emma yells and she takes her foot out of the car.

Jason doesn't say anything anymore. I think Emma has it in hand.

"Please be honest with me Jason." Emma starts whispering. "How many times did you fucked her since we are together?"

"This was the first time! I swear Emma!" Jason says.

Emma shakes her head. "Don't lie to me Jason. How long are you guys having sex?"

Jason doesn't say anything for a long time. Then he's muttering something. "A couple of months."

My mouth drops open.

Emma just nods. "Goodbye Jason."

She turns around and the tears are streaming down her face.

"H-how did you know? Jason asks quietly.

"I didn't. I just hoped this was the first time." Emma says. "It's over Jason. I'm going to pick up my stuff tomorrow."

"What do I do with Lilly? She's waiting at home." Jason sounds worried.

"Oh. Right." Emma is thinking. "Oh what about fucking her? I'm sure she'll love it!"

She closes her car door. Luke, Calum and I do the same and we drive away from Jason.

I turn my head around to Emma and I ask if she's okay. She shrugs and rub her tears away.

Michael's P.O.V

Ella only drank a few drinks and she lost it. I don't think she has ever had alcohol before. Ella looks at me and she wiggles her eyebrows. I start laughing, because she's being weird.

"Kiss me." She suddenly says.

I look at her to see if she's joking, but she isn't.

"I want you to fuck me." She says, when I don't reply.

I've never seen her like this before, so I don't answer. Suddenly I feel her lips against mine and damn, she's a good kisser. I take her hand and walk with her outside. I shout for a cab and I take her home

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