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Calum's P.O.V

It's just me, Michael and Ella sitting in the hotel.

We have a couple of days off from the tour so we don't need to worry about getting back to the bus.

It's just a sad silence, Ella just has her head in her hands, softly crying. I don't want to say anything to make her even more sad.

I have to admit, I'm hurt.
I'm hurt that Michael would do that, he know how much I loved her...
Ha "loved" her, I'm in love with her.

"Ella?" I ask softly.

She looks up, God, her beautiful blue eyes are all puffy and red, she has the depressing frown on her face which makes me want to hug her.

"Cal?" Her weak voice says, it seems like I was staring.

"Are... are you ok?" I ask knowing what the question would be.

"Why do I have any reason to be ok? I fucking cheated on the boy I love with one of my friends"

Michael hangs his head in shame

"And worst of all my fucking sisters boyfriend CHEATED ON HER WITH OUR FUCKING BEST FRIEND!" She yells

I'm a bit taken back, she stands up quickly, kicks the coffee table, which makes Michael look up in shock, and then Ella walks over to the way and slides down in.

She puts her head on knees.

"I'm sorry" she whispers, which breaks my heart.

"Don't worry" Michael says.

I go over to her, sit down beside, I slower put my arm around her.
Out of no where she cuddles up next to me.

I know this is a bad time but this is lovely.

"Guys, can... could we talk about... what happened?" She's ask, me and Michael nods.

I stand up the I help her up....
This reminds me of when I first met her.. She was crying back then aswell.

We sit on the sofa, Ella's in a sandwich between me and Michael.

"Ella I'm sor-" Michael starts but then is interrupted by Ella.

"I know you are... but.. but why did you" she ask with a look of sadness

I look at Michael, he looks so guilty, he goes to rub her hand but she pulls away.
He lets out a sigh.

"Ella, I kept on asking you if you wanted it and you did. If I didn't do it you would've cried."

"You should've let me cry, Michael, I cheated on.. on Tom.. my boyfriend" she says and starts crying again.

I rub her back.

"I'm such a whore" she says out if the blue, she sounds disgusted by herself.

"Ella! You are not!" I say defensive.

"Yes I fucking am Calum!" She turns round so she's facing me. "I'm a fucking bitch who doesn't deserve someone like Tom"

Seeing her like this makes me want to take her on a date, to the movies or the beach, and just cuddle on the sand and make her feel better, but I can't she has a boyfriend... Well maybe not for very long.

10 minutes goes past, Michaels fallen asleep laying on Ella, while Ella's laying on me.

"I love him Calum"

Wait, she's talking to me.

"Huh?" I ask, I wasn't paying attention.

"I love Tom so much...I can't believe I did this" she says but it seems that all her tears have gone, so she just lays her head on my chest, with Michael on her legs.

Emma's P.O.V
* Right after Ella and Emma have a fight *

I storm off, why the fuck would she do this to Tom, he's probably one of the most caring people I have ever met.

I wonder how he's gonna cope, he's so nice to her, he might not even break the relationship.

Just as I was heading to the elevator I heard two boys calling for me, I turn around and it's Luke and Ashton, oh yeah they were gonna help me.

"Emma wait!" Ashton shouts, so I stop
They run up to me, a bit out of breath.

"We wanna help" Luke says with a big smile on his face, I smile back.

"Thank you" I say and hug both of them, but when I hug Ashton he just stays still, something is seriously wrong with him.

We arrive at the dorm, I can't even bear to look at Lilly when we walk in.
She's sitting on the sofa, with ice-cream, crying. Somethings happened..maybe I should sit next to her, wait no, she fucked my boyfriend. Hell no.

I walk past her, to my room.

"Oh hey Emma" she whispers.

I ignore her.

"Emma please..."

"Luke, Ashton could you start packing my room" they both nod and walk into my room, well old room.

"Why are you moving out?" She asks.

I laugh and roll my eyes. "Why do you think"

She looks down with guilt. "Listen.."

"No don't "listen" me, you fucked my boyfriend, my "bestfriend" fucked my boyfriend, that's why I'm leaving!!" I shout at her, she has tears in her eyes.

Just as I was gonna go hell pack up, Tom walks in.

"Oh... umm hey Emma" He says scratching his neck. "Jason told me everything.." There's an awkward silence.

"Why does he hate me?" I start crying, Tom comes up to me and hugs me.

"He didn't know what was going on in his mind, he feels so bad."

"I'm never getting back with him and I never..ever want to see him again"

Tom just nods.

There was barely anything in my room so the boys were done.

"I'm going back now..." I say walking with the boys.

"Can I come and see Ella?" He says with a big smile, oh god.

"Err yeah sure" I says with a little chuckle...


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