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Emma's P.O.V

As we walk back to our rooms after we had dinner, me and Jason walk behind the others. He's holding my hand and the feeling is just amazing. I've never been in love before, but I can tell you one thing, once you had it, you don't want anything else anymore. And I'm so happy that Ella found it too... This is the first time in six months that she's actually having a really good time... We did laugh a lot, the past six months, but you just saw her dying in her eyes. And I knew she would be thinking about Calum...

I actually never thought she was going to have this huge crush on him. That's the saddest part about our tranferring. She needed to leave him behind and I needed to leave Luke behind.

I'm not sure if I had a crush on Luke. I do like him, a lot, but Ashton has caught my attention.
His eyes, god, they were just so attractive. Like they were a magnet. I just got sucked into it.
But he acted like he didn't care about me. We were just having a drink and he was on his phone the whole time, until Calum showed us the pic of the orphanage. I stood up and walked outside. Only Luke came to see how I was doing.

And from that moment, I knew I needed to forget about Ashton. I think it was love at first sight.

And then we moved to America and I met Jason. The boy I fell in love with.

We are now three months together, and the whole school knows. I was a bit scared in the beginning, because I thought they were gonna gossip and call me a slut. But they never did. They are so kind here and just accept you the way you are.

Ella is saying goodbye to Tom and they give each other a kiss. Ella starts blushing and Tom presses his hands to her cheek. He looks deep into her eyes and gives her a little kiss on the nose.

I turn my head to Jason, give him a kiss and we wish each other a goodnight. Him and Tom walk away and me, Ella and Lilly are heading inside our room that we share with the 3 of us.

Me and Lilly didn't say anything, but it looks like we can read minds. Lilly is getting something to drink, I grab something to eat and we are gonna sit down on Ella's bed.

"Sooooo." Lilly starts.

"How are his lips?" I ask.

We start laughing when Ella's head is turning red.

"I actually couldn't taste it very well" She says innocently.

"Oh my gawd Ella! You guys kissed almost the whole night!" Lilly says.

"Even more then Jason and I have ever done in one day!"

"Well, in that case..." Ella says. "THEY TASTE LIKE GODESSES. I CAN'T HAVE ENOUGH OF THEM!" She starts screaming.

We start screaming with her for fun and then we hear someone knocking out our doors. I get up and have a look who it is.

Jason and Tom are standing there. I feel the butterflies in my belly when I see Jason again, like I always have.

Jason points at Tom. "He missed his girl already, so we decided to go back."

"Well, go to your girl then." I say to Tom while I'm holding the door wider.

"Hi babe." Jason says with a smile when Tom walked past me.

"Hi" I giggle.

I put my arms around his neck and I feel his hands on my ass. I give him a kiss and I feel this tongue licking my lips, I slowly open them and when our tongues find each other, it feels like we're on fire. I just love it.

"Ugh guys. You make we wanna puke." Lilly says.

I pull my head back and I look over my shoulder. Lilly is still sitting on Ella's bed while Tom and Ella are kissing too. And as I can see, their tongues also found each other.

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