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Calum's P.O.V

"Bye guys" I shout at them as me and Ella walk out the door.

"Bye guys, have fun, don't get in trouble, also do-" Emma starts rambling but Ella interrupts.

"EMMA!" Ella laughs at Emma's shocked face. "Calm down its only a date." She looks at me so rosey cheeks.

I nudge her a bit then wink which makes her laugh.

"Sorry Ella, I'm just really happy for you" she smiles warmly.

"Thank you Emma, okay let's go, bye!"

We don't talk at all until we got in the elevator and we looked in the mirror.
I still can't believe how break taking she looks, I realise I'm just staring at her when she nudges me.

"Sorry" I chuckle. "It's just....you look..stunning" I look at her with so much love in my eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you so much Calum" she smiles widely, she leans closer to me and pecks my cheek.


We get out the uber to a really fancy restaurant, I didn't tell Ella where we were going because it was a surprise.

"Oh my lord Calum this I gonna cost a lot." She looks at me with face full of shook.

"Don't worry." I laugh, and I go to hold her hand but I quickly stop.

I look up at Ella's beautiful face while she takes in the glorious lights of the city. Holy crap, why can't she be mine now.

I walk up to the door and open the door for her and she look at me surprised.

"Uhhh why are you surprised?!" I try to look offended but she looks at me with a smirk which just makes us both laugh.

Ella's P.O.V

While we were eating Calum kept on looking at me, it made me blush like mad.

Right now we're walking around the city looking at all the lights and shops.
It's so beautiful at night.

I really like Calum, like ALOT!
But, do I want a relationship?
Yes I do! It's Calum.

"Ella?" Calum ask me, dragging me out of my daydream.

I clear my throat. "Yeah?" I ask.
"Are you okay?" He looks concerned.

I smile and nod, I don't think he believes me.

Calum raises an eyebrow, I sigh.

"I'm just....thinking...about life" I look chuckle.

"I'm guessing it's gonna get deep if we carry on talking" he says make us both laugh.

"Yeah" I smile at him.

As we were walking around just talking to each other I felt something warm brush my hand, then grab it.

I look down and up at Calum, he has a huge grin on his face and I give a cheesy smile.

We just walk in silence taking in the beauty while swinging our hands, Calum starts swinging them violently which makes me laugh.

"I've-" I was about to say something but Calum starts something as well.

"This-" He stops. "Oh sorry Ella carry on"

"As I was saying" I wink at him and he blushes. "I've really enjoyed tonight thank you so much"

"You are very very welcome Ella"

We have walked into a secret garden, with lots of roses, Calum takes one and puts it in my hair and he looks at me, tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and he puts his hand on my chin.

We're gonna kiss! What do I do?! Do I want to? Yes? No? ELLA SHUT UP JUST DO IT!

He tilts my head up and leans in, I do the same.

I wrap my hands around the back of his neck and we get close.
I can feel his breath on my lips,
Should I?

I stop.

"Calum" I whisper, he looks at me with a sad look.

"What's the matter?"

"I don't want a relationship" I look down.

"Ella I'm not like those other boys... You can trust me." I look up at him, I can see him telling the truth.

I suddenly kiss his lips, where did that come from.
We start moving our lips in sync.

He pulls me closer and tighter.

After a while of a hot make-out session I pull away and take a big breath.

"Wow." we both say and laugh.

"Do you still want to be single?" He asks with a smirk.

"Hmmmmm let me think" I say while getting closer again and I give him another kiss.

"I take that as a no" he smiles with excitement in his and I nod.

Wait, do I have a boyfriend now?

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