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Ashton's P.O.V

Calum walks in, 30 minutes late.

"Guys. I discovered something..." He says with a worried face.

I was about to get mad at him, but his face really looks shocked.

"Okay, you know the twins Ella and Emma?" Calums looks at me.

"Yeah, of course I know them." I say.

When I was at school, they were already popular. I've always had a crush on Emma. She's beautiful. They are both so beautiful, looking like fucking gods. I've never talked to Emma, nor Ella, like the most kids at school.

"Well, I checked Ella's instagram. I sent her a follow request, because it was on private." Calum says.

"OmG YOU DID WHAT?!" Michael yells.

"Shh!" Calum says. "That's not the important thing..."

Luke and I both really look confusing at Calum while Michaels mouth is wide open.

Calum takes his phone out of his pocket and goes to Ella's instagram. He clicks on a picture and shows it to us.

It's a pic of Ella and Emma in front of a house. Michael clicks on it and the name of Emma appears in the picture. She's the left.
I can't stop looking at her. She hasn't changed that much, she only looks older. Just like Ella. And then I notice it.

And Michael and Luke notice it too.

"T-they live in an orphanage?" Luke whispers and he looks disbelieved.

Calum nods.

Wow. I did not see this coming. Those girls, who looks like they have everything, don't even have a home. They don't have parents who tell them they are doing great in school. Who tell them they are beautiful. Who tell them they are proud of them. Those girls only have each other.

"So this is why they always hang out together?" Michael says. "Because it has always been just the two of them..."

"I think so." Calum replies.

Nobody says anything for a while, till Calum's phone is vibrating. He has a message from Ella.

It says: I know it has been a while, but I still wanna thank you for standing up against Bethany.

Calum has a little smile on his face.

"I think you should invite them over here." I suggest.

I'm a bit scared that the boys will laugh at me, because who's gonna invite the most popular girls at their school to their "band" practise?

But instead of getting teased for the idea, they agree with me.

Calum texts Ella while Luke and Michael are getting some drinks. I suddenly start to feel nervous. So this means I'm gonna see Emma again? The girl that has been on my mind since forever?
And the girl that Luke likes...

Emma's P.O.V

"Ehm Emma?"

I look away from my phone to Ella.

"What would you think of the idea of us going to Calum's? Luke is there too and this guy named Michael... Calum invited me." Ella looks at me nervous.

"Ooohh." I say and I blink at her. "You wanna see Calum?" I start giggling.

Ella turns all red.

"Yup, let's go." I say and I get out of bed.

Ella looks at me surprised. "You're serious? I thought you were gonna laugh at me..."

"No Ella, I'm not. We're going to some boys we like, fuck this orphanage and the rule of not dating!" I say as I pull on a coat.

"Wait, you say you like someone too?" Ella looks at me with one eyebrow up.

"Maybe." I mutter.

"Ah, you like Luke..." Ella says with a huge smile on her face.

I pull her through the doorway with a laugh. "Shut up." I say to her.

As we walk into the garage of somebody's house, we see Calum, Luke and Michael sitting on the couch. There's sitting someone else with them. He gives me a quick look and then turns his head away. That boy really looks fimiliar to me.

Calum stands up and walks to us with his eyes only aimed at Ella.

"Hi, ehm. Cool that you guys made it." He says.

We go to sit on the couch while Michael introduces the boy, named Ashton, while Luke is giving us something to drink.

I stare quietly at Ashton and when his eyes meets mine, everything frozes around us. Damn this boy is cute.

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