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Ashton's P.O.V

I go back to the hotel after I spent the night with Bryana, she was just having a bad night. All the fans were sending hate to her, I don't get it, if you're a fan of us you should let us be happy with our partner.

I arrive at the hotel. What's the time? I ask to myself.
I get my phone out of my pocket and realise I have 3 missed calls from Emma... What.
Oh yeah I'm looking for the time. Oh it's only 7:13am everyone will be asleep still.

I arrive at the hotel and I hear someone crying...
I follow the sound of crying and it takes me to the bathroom in Calum's room, but it sounds like a girl crying.

I sneak into his room, I look over at Calum and he's sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face, I wonder what he's dreaming about.

I open the door to find Ella on the floor next to the toilet.
She looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh Ella" I say, and sit down next to her and engulf her in a hug.

She just cries into my chest.

"What's wrong? Why are you in the bathroom?" I ask, I have so many questions. "Wait..why are you in Calum's bathroom?"

I'm confused, why is she in his room, unless it's what I think it is.

"Ummm well..." She looks up at me with rosy cheeks.

"Ohhhhh, did you and Calum-" before I could say it Ella nods and laughs.

"So why are you in here?" I ask her.

"Well cal had fallen asleep and I was close to falling asleep but then I felt my stomach twist" She pause and put her finger up, and her other hand to her mouth.

Couple seconds later she's throwing up, I pull her hair out the way, and I start rubbing her back. She's crying again, so I pull her into a hug.

"It hurts!" She cries into my chest.

"Shhh it's okay." After a couple of minutes of just silence, I pop the question.

"Ummm Ella if you don't me asking but why are you being sick?" I ask.

"To be honest Ashton.. I have no clue... but I really hope it's not what I think it is.." She looks down at the floor. It takes me a while to figure out what she meant, then it hit me... 

"Ohhh" Is all I say and I start rubbing her back. "How can you be sure?" I ask feeling sad for her.

"I can't, I don't know if I am but I must be."

"Who's is it, Michael or Tom?"

"Probably Michael's because it happened so quickly so he might if forgotten too, Y'know, put it on" she says, I think she's embarrassed.

"Hey don't be embarrassed, I'm not gonna judge" I smile at her and she returns one.

"Do you think Michael will be mad?" She asks me, to be honest I don't know, it's Michael all he does is play on his Xbox.

"He won't be" I lie.

"Thing is it could just be the food I ate, I thought I tasted weird" she laughs trying to brighten up the conversation.

"Well I just wanna say, if you are pregnant then he/she is gonna have a great, intelligent mum with a lovely auntie and a great dad and 3 incredibly handsome uncles" I say the last few words in a posh accent while wiggling my eyebrows which makes her laugh out loud.

She quickly covers her mouth not wanting to wake up Calum.

"Thank you Ashton" she says and hugs me.

"No problem love" And I smile.


"Ummm Ella what are you doing?" I hear someone say. I look up and it's Calum still half asleep.

"Calum, Ella was throwing up last night when I found her, so we just had a convosation, nothing happened, I wouldn't do that to you." I smile at him.

"Why was she throwing up?" He asks in his morning voice.

"Ummm I think she should tell you that?"

Wait it's really bright out side, did we fall asleep?

"Cal what's the time?"

"10 o'clock"

Oops I fell asleep

Calum picks up Ella and puts her in bed, then he gestures me over to the door.
He leans in so he can whisper in my ear.

"Ashton... Is she pregnant?"

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