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Emma's P.O.V

When I wake up in Jason his arms the next day, I start smiling. Last night was great. Not only the sex, but we had a very deep convo like we always had when we were together.

I wake him up with a kiss on his cheek. As soon as he sees me, he starts smiling and puts his arms around me.

"Last night was awesome." He says. "And damn Emma, you got better."

"Yeah, it was... You want some breakfast?" I say as I get out of bed.

Jason nods and he looks at my naked body.

"I could get used to this sight every morning."

"Fuck you Jason, it was a single time. We are not going to do this every night."


"I have to go to work. See you later?" I say.

Jason nods. "I pick you up at seven, wear something nice and meet me outside."

I want to walk away but Jason grabs my wrist.

"I'm not letting you go before you give me a kiss."

"Jason shut up. We're not together." I say, but I still give him a kiss.


"Hi Mary, good to see you." I say.

"Oh hi Emma. Damn, what happened last night? You look great!"

"Well, I bumped into one of my exes, and it was great..."

"You guys had sex, didn't you?" She says with a blink.

"Mary!" I say fake mad.

"By the look on your face I know I'm right." She says.


This day has gone by in flashes. It's already 7 pm and I'm waiting outside for Jason to pick me up.

I post a picture on my instagram that I made this night.

"You look stunning

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"You look stunning." Jason whispers in my ear and gives me a kiss.

Calum's P.O.V

I see a picture that Emma posted on instagram.

Gosh, I wonder how she is. I haven't talked to her in such a long time.

Luke hasn't either. It has been about 4,5 almost 5 year since they broke up and he hasn't had a new girlfriend ever since. Neither have I though. And Ashton and Michael also.

"Daddy?" Matilda walks in.

"Yes sweety?"

"Do you wanna play with me?"

"Why don't you ask Mikey? He's a better player than I am." I say.

Matilda comes and sits next to me on the couch.

"Michael is at the toilet and he smells really bad. Will you please play with me?" She says. "Please?"

I am about to say no, but Matilda is first.

"Please daddy... You never want to play with me anymore." Matilda says. "You never have time for me."

Damn. That hit me hard. Really hard.

"Okay, I will play with you... Under one condition."

"And what's that daddy?" She asks.

"We're going on a trip. But only the two of us... Deal?"

Matilda gets super excited. "Yes daddy!" She screams.


Before we know it, the week is over and we're heading back home. We went to America and mostly to Disneyland. Matilda absolutely loved it.

We're in the plane and Matilda is laying with her head on my arm sleeping.

I feel so sorry for her.

She lost her mother and her father doesn't even have time for her. I really want to become a better father to her.

That's a promise I make with myself. And I also promise myself to call Emma when we are home.

And with that, I fall asleep.

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