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Emma's P.O.V

Me and Ella decided to go on a shopping trip in the city we were in.

We haven't actually had just us two for a while and I've missed it.

We arrive at the shopping centre and we hop out the taxi, as soon as we walk in we hear some music... I recognise it. It's the boys. It's playing English Love Affair one of my favourites.

I look at Ella with a smile and she looks at me the same, we both wiggle our eyebrows at the same time which makes us laugh. Ella grabs my hand and takes us into Starbucks.

"Ella why are we going into Starbucks?" I laugh while she's still pulling me along.

"Cause why not?" She looks at me with a smirk, I just laugh at her.

I'm loving life at the moment, I've got 3 new bestfriends, the best sister in the world and my loving boyfriend.

Just as I was thinking about... Life, Ella pulls me out of it.

"What do you want?"

I look up at her and raise an eyebrow.

"I said, what do you want?" She smiles.

"Oh I will have the same as you."

"What's your names cuties?" The guy behind the counter asks, I just roll my eyes and laugh.

"I'm Ella, this is Emma." She points at me.

"You cuties go sit down I'll bring it to you" he says with a wink.

"I'm sorry but I've got a boyfriend" I look at Ella with a smirk, she knows what I'm thinking and she shakes her head. "Buuuuut, Ella is single"

Ella slaps my arm.

"Oh well El-"

"No sorry I'm pregnant" She blurts out, then looks down.

"Ohhh I didn't know" He looks Ella up and down.

"It's fine" She smiles.

Me and Ella turn round to sit down but he butts in:
"Wait your drinks are ready" He smiles, we take them and pay the bill.

"Thanks" I say.

"Thank you" Ella says.

We sit down in one of the booths in Starbucks.
I look down to my drink and realise there's a message on it, it's reads,

'Dear Emma, I'm sorry I flirted with you, you are just too pretty, how couldn't I? ;) have a great day'

I smile to myself. "Ella did you get a message?" I look at her and she looks sad. "Ella what's wrong hun?"

She hands me the drink.

'Dear Ella, I hope you, your baby and the father are very happy, sorry for flirting with you and your sister. Have a great time.'

"Ella why are you sad? This is lovely."

"I don't know who the father is.."

"Ella you have two options... Michael or Tom." I say rubbing her back, she sighs.

There's a short silence while we drink our drinks, but then Ella says something which takes me by surprise.

"Calum knows.." She whispers.

I look at with a confused look, she lets out a huge sigh with a tear falling down.

"Calum knows I'm.... he knows I'm pregnant."

I look at her with my mouth wide open.

"How?" I ask.

"He saw the pregnancy test." She puts her head in her hands and just stays there.

"Oh Ella.." I pull her in a hug.

After a while I pull away. "Is he okay with it?"

She smiles and nods. "He said if the father doesn't stay he will be the father." She says.

"So are you two...together?"

She shakes her head. "Not yet... He's taking me on a date tonight." She winks which makes me laugh. "Emma?"

I look up at her.

"Would you help me get ready?" She looks at me with hope in her eyes.

"Ummm let me think....YESS" I laugh and she hugs me tightly.

"I love you Emma." She says, which makes my heart flutter.

"I love you more Ella, you're gonna be a wonderful mum." I smile at her.

"And your gonna be a great auntie, and you're gonna spoil him/her rotten" She laughs and I nod.

"Let's go get some outfits for the date!" I shout a bit to loud cause some people look at me, I awkwardly wave them. "Sorry" I say and me and Ella run out laughing.

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