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Michael's P.O.V

As we walk at the airport, I look at Luke. Calum was right, he really looks bad. He walks behind us, alone, listening to music. He doesn't want to talk to us and John literally doesn't know what to do anymore.

"Luke!" Someone starts yelling his name.

He doesn't hear it.

"Luke!" I reconize the voice.

I look at Calum and he heard it too. We turn around.

"Luke wait!"

Luke takes one ear out, he has heard the voice.


He looks at Calum.

Calum nods. "I can hear it too."

Luke slowly turns around, a blonde haired girl is running at him. When she's coming closer, I see it's Emma.

Yes, the Emma... She isn't dead.

Luke drops his bags and he opens his arms. Emma jumps in it and she puts her legs around him. She has her arms around his neck and I see the tears streaming down her face. She burries her face on her arm and in his neck.

Calum starts smiling.

"Who's that?" Whispers John.

"That's Emma." Calum says with a smile.

Emma looks up. She looks in his eyes and she slowly leans forward. Their lips touch each other and she pulls her head back. They start smiling and Emma kisses him again, but this time she doesn't pull back. Luke slowly drops her till she stands on her own feet. Emma's arms are still around his neck and she stands on the edge of her toes.

This time Luke pulls back his head and he's just looking at her. Looking if she's real.

"I'm right here Luke." She whispers and this time Luke burries his face in her neck. "I'm right here." She says.


She explained to us that she did want to go on the plane, but she couldn't do it. She went back to the hotel and stayed there for two days. She was trying to get over Jason, and it worked, she just closed the chapter.

She hadn't turned on the tv, so she didn't knew what was going on. Then she checked her phone. She saw that there her plane was crashed and she just knew that Luke had seen the news. She went to our hotel, but we were already gone. She dm'ed Luke and tweeted stuff to him, but Luke hadn't checked his phone since he heard she was 'dead'.

Then she saw all those tweets that said that the show was cancelled and that they were heading back home.

And when Luke turned around, she saw the tears in his eyes. The tears appeared because Luke just couldn't believe the girl he has loved since forever wasn't dead after all. And in that moment, when she saw how much he actually cared about her, she just fell in love with him.

"You Die, I Die" ~ 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now