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Michael's P.O.V

It has been three days since we last saw the girls. Calum texted Ella, but she hasn't replied anymore and Luke is worried about Emma, she was really broken.

The Christmas break is over and we have to go back to school.

As we walk at the schoolyard there's something different. We don't know what it is, nobody does, but you notice there's something going on.

The bell rings and everyone is going to their classes. As we sit down the teacher clears his throat.

"Well class. The principal asked us to tell you the news before we start our lessons. The Smiths girls, Ella and Emma, are transfered to America where they will be at a boarding school for 2 years." The teacher says.

I look over to Luke and Calum and their faces look really shocked, just like mine. I can't believe it...

"Okay guys. Open your books at page 207..."

I don't listen to the teacher anymore. Just like Calum and Luke.

Calum's P.O.V

I thought my life wouldn't get better since the day Ella and Emma were gone.
It has been three weeks, and the school already got over it.
But that morning, everything changed. We were just sitting around the table at lunch, when Ashton called Michael on his phone. Michael only said okay and he hang up. He said that Ashton asked to come to his house, because there was a man who wanted to speak to us.

We went to his house and Ashton was already waiting in the doorway. He let us in and when we walked in the livingroom, there was a man sitting on the couch.

The man asked us to sit down before he started telling us who he was.

We didn't know him at all, so we were a bit confused.

"I'm from Capitol Records and I wanna offer you a music label at Hi or Hey Records..." he said.

I slowly repeated the words in my head.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Then Michael jumped up and started screaming. He realised it. He realised what the man said.

Then I realised it. They just offered us a music label. Which means we did it. We got noticed. A music label noticed us... Does this mean we were gonna become famous? Was our dream about to come true?

Then Ashton jumped up to and he started screaming too. Then me and Luke did the same thing.

We got noticed. We worked so hard for it and we just did it.

I was so happy. I still am, actually. We all went straight back to house and this evening we went to have dinner in a restaurant with our families. We celebrated our dream that came true.

"Psst, are you still awake?" Luke whispers.

"Yeah." I whisper back at him.

We're sleeping now in Ashton's garden. Tomorrow we have to be at the music label at 9 am, and Ashton is the only one who can drive.

"What were you thinking of?" Luke asks, still whispering.

"I was thinking about this morning..." I say.

"We did it." Luke says. "We fucking did it Cal."

I start smiling. Luke is goddamn right.

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