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Emma's P.O.V

The dark is slowly changing into light and I'm still on the balcony. I smoked all of Calum's cigarettes and I drank the vodka Calum brought me. I don't feel anything anymore at this moment. Not that I care, because I was getting tired of thinking about Jason.

The balcony door slowly opens. I turn around and I see Luke in the doorway.

"Hi, can I come outside?" He asks.

"It's your balcony." I say.

He comes standing next to me. He touches my hand for a second.

"God, you're freezing!" He says. "Here." He takes off his jacket and gives it to me.

"Thank you." I mutter and I feel Luke's warmth from his jacket burning on my skin.

"It's nice out here, isn't it?" Luke asks, while is looking at the sky.

I nod. "It makes me feel calm."

"Me too, this is one of the best feelings when I'm on tour. Standing outside in the early mornings, just watching the sky and the people that get back home from a night out, or people who are going to work. It's never actually really quiet out here. You always hear some noise." Luke says with a smile on his face.

"Except when you are in nature. Then it's quiet." I say.

"No, it's never quiet. Not even in nature. You'll always hear some noise, even if it's just water streaming down, or wind taking leaves with it." Luke looks at me. "I'll show you one day, if you want."

"I'd like that." I say.

Someone knocks on the door. It's Ella. She opens the door and she looks embarassed.

"I'll leave the two of you alone." Luke says as he walks back.

"Ella..." I say as she comes standing in front of me.

I can't help it but I start crying. The tears are rolling over my face. Ella puts her arms around me and she holds me very close.

"I'm sorry for not being there for you last night, but I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere." She comforts me.

"T-thank you." I stutter.

"Shhh, it's okay, let it all out." She whispers.

Ashton's P.O.V

As we are waiting on the couch, for Ella and Emma to come back in, we suddenly hear Emma yelling. I look over to the others and we all know she didn't take it well. The door opens and Emma walks back in. She grabs her purse from the table. Her eyes are red from crying, but her eyebrows are knitted together like she's mad.

"Emma please wait!" Ella yells as she walks back inside.

Emma walks to the door, ignoring Ella.

"Please Emma." Ella whispers.

"Why Ella?! How could you do this do to Tom?! How could you cheat on him while he was everything you ever wanted?!" Emma turns around.

"I don't know! I was drunk and I wasn't thinking!" Ella says and tears appear in her eyes.

"Yeah, blame it on the alcohol. Where should Jason blame it on? Lilly's perfume?!" Emma says.

"DON'T..." Ella screams. "Don't compare me to Jason. We both know I'm not like him."

"I also know he loved me. Well, something went wrong. I'm going to pick up my stuff. Goodbye." Emma says as she slams the door behind her.

Ella falls on her knees and starts crying.

We all don't know what to do anymore. We just sit there on the couch, staring at each other.

Ella stands back up after a few minutes and she walks back to us.

"I think Emma needs some help with picking up her stuff." She sniffs at us. "And I would offer to come with her, but I don't think she would like that."

I nod and look over to Luke. He nods too and we both get up. We grab our coats and we walk after Emma.

I don't wanna sound like a drama queen, but I'm actually not sure what's going to happen between them. Emma sounded really hurt and mad at the same time.

"Do you think they will make it up?" I ask Luke while we walk to the elevator.

Luke shrugs. "I'm not sure."

And he just confirmed my thoughts.

We don't know what will happen to them.

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