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Michael's P.O.V

"CALUM!" I say shocked.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand it anymore." He says and he walks away.

Tom looks at Ella. "I-is it true? You cheated on me?!"

"I'm so sorry.." Ella starts crying. "I was drunk and I didn't know what was going on and I have so much regret. Please forgive me."

Tom doesn't say anything.

"Actually." I start. "It wasn't Ella's fault at all. It is mine. I knew she was drunk and-"

"You fucking raped her?!" Tom gets angry.

"No Tom!" Ella yells. "I asked him to kiss me and he just listened. He told me that if he didn't, I would cry. So that's why he did it. Don't blame him! Please! I was drunk and stupid."

It stays quiet for a really long time.

Minutes pass, and it's still quiet.

"Can you guys please leave us alone?" Tom asks me and Ashton.

We get up and walk to the balcony. Calum stands there with his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I said it." Calum says when we close the door behind us.

"It's okay.... You should apologize to Ella later." I say. "And I'm sorry for having sex with her while you love her. I should've think better and not being an idiot."

"It's okay. I know I will never have a chance with her..."

"We good?" I ask.

Calum nods and gives me a hug.

Emma's P.O.V

We walk back to Luke's hotel. It's not that far. When we get there, I see Tom and Ella leaving. They don't see us and they walk a different direction, holding hands.

I look at Luke and he shrugs.

We walk inside, take the elevators to their hotel room and when we're there, Michael, Calum and Ashton are sitting on the couch.

"We just saw Ella and Tom holding hands." Luke says.

"Tom forgave her." Ashton says.

Calum looks really broken.

"I'm sorry man." Luke says.

Calum shrugs. "I would never have a chance with Ella..."

"Don't say that." I say. "I know this is not good of me to say this, but I think they'll break up soon. Or maybe not, I don't know. But Calum, you still have a chance. Everyone has a chance...."

"Thanks." Calum says.

"Thank you for giving me your cigarettes and for letting me stay the night..." I say.

"You're more then welcome." Michael says. "You can stay tonight too..."

"No thank you, I'm gonna find a hotel and tomorrow I'm going back to Australia."

"What?" Luke says.

"I've decided to go back to Australia. I don't wanna stay here anymore."

"What about Ella?" Michael asks.

I shrug. "I don't know."

"You're still mad at her, aren't you?" Ashton asks.

I nod. "I don't want her to come with me. I just want some space for a while."

"I think you should talk about it with her." Calum says.

"Don't fucking tell me what do to." I say.

I'm getting pissed. I knew they wouldn't understand.

"I'm sorry." Calum says.

"No, I'm sorry... But I knew you wouldn't understand." I say. "I know I should talk to Ella, but I just don't want to. I know she didn't know that Jason cheated on me, that's not the point, but it's just that she cheated on Tom. She had a crush on him for ages and she was so happy that he liked her too... And she threw it all away. That's why."

The boys don't say anything.

"Goodbye. It was nice to see you again." I say and I turn around.

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