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Emma's P.O.V

I wake up with a bad headache. Damn it hurts. Suddenly I feel an arm around me. I turn my head and I see it's Luke. I can't even remember that I fell asleep next to him. I turn my whole body and I snuggle against him. He wraps both his arms around me and presses his lips against my forhead.

"Hungover?" He asks.

"Yeah." I mutter and before I know it, I'm sleeping again.


The next time I wake up, the bed is empty. I feel sad, because Luke isn't holding me anymore.

With the headache that isn't gone, I get out of bed. I feel really dizzy and I grab the wall so I won't fall. Not that it helps, because I fall down, right at my nose.

"Aaaaahhh! DAMN" I yell.

I try to get up again and Luke walks in.

"Are you okay?" He asks worried.

I nod. "Everything's okay, nothing happened." I say as I walk towards him.

"Well, then explain me why your nose is bleeding." He says.

I touch my nose and it feels sticky. I look at my hand and it's all red of the blood.

"Goddamnit." I curse.

Luke starts laughing. "Come, lemme help you."

We walk to the bathroom that's only for him and he lets me sit on the edge of the bath. He grabs a towel and softly dries my nose. I look in his blue eyes and I feel a familiar feeling in my stomach. I bite my bottomlip as I see him cleaning my nose with so much care. He stops for a second and looks at my lip. He leans forward and presses his lips onto mine. He pulls back and cleans my nose further.

"How did you fell?" Luke asks.

"I was grabbing the wall, because I felt dizzy. But there was nothing to grab so I fell." I say.

Luke starts smiling.

"It's not funny!" I protest.

"Here, hold this against your nose. It's still bleeding." He says and he holds up a clean towel.

I take the towel and press it to my nose. He helps me getting up and he puts an arm around me, so I won't fall again.

We walk to the kitchen and I see Michael looking at me with a smile on his face.

"I'm gonna punch you if you say something." I say to him and Luke pulls a chair out for me to sit on.

"What happened?!" Ella asks worried.

"I was grabbing at the wall so I wouldn't fall..." I say.

"Did it work?" Michael asks and he starts laughing.

I look at him and I give him a deadly look. He doesn't stop laughing so I give him a punch on his upper arm.

"What would you like to eat?" Luke asks.

"I want some orange juice. I'm not hungry." I say.

"Hungover?" Calum asks with a smile.

I nod a bit.


I lay back in bed with Luke. I'm deleting all my pictures with Jason and Lilly on instagram. Luke is on his own phone, just checking instagram and twitter. He has one arm wrapped around me and I lay with my head on his chest.

"You know, I really like that picture." He says and he clicks on one of my selfies.

" He says and he clicks on one of my selfies

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"Jason said the exact same thing" I say.

"And he couldn't be more right." He says.

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