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Emma's P.O.V

As we walk outside, I introduce Luke and Ashton.

"This is Luke and this is Ashton. Two guys from the band we saw last night. We've been to high school together." I say. "Well, with Luke. Ashton already graduated."

"So you guys have a band?" Tom asks.

"Yeah, we do, with two other guys. Michael and Calum." Ashton says.

There is an awkard silence. I think about Jason and Ella. Jason told Tom everything, but I wonder if he was honest to him. And Ella, she really hurted me, even though it wasn't on purpose.

I look at Tom, who's in the front seat next to Ashton. He seems so peaceful and happy. I wonder how quickly that's gonna change when Ella tells him... Maybe he will break up with her, or he will stay with her.

If he's gonna stay with her, I'm quite surprised. Not that he wants to stay with Ella, but that he loves Ella so much that he doesn't want to leave her.

If he's gonna stay with her, should I go back to Jason? Does he deserve a second chance? And what about Lilly?

"Emma?" Luke touches my hand for a second.

He brings me back to reality.

"Tom was talking to you?" Luke says quietly.

I look at Tom again. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said that you did the right thing. With Jason I mean."

I frown one eyebrow, not sure what he means to say.

"You did a good thing by breaking up with Jason. He cheated on you, nothing is worse then that. He should've told you from the beginning that he didn't loved you anymore." Tom says.

I nod and after a few seconds I realise something.

"Wait what did you say?" I ask. "Told me from the beginning that he didn't loved me?"

Tom nods. "Yeah, since he started to cheat on you with Lilly, he didn't loved you anymore..."

Bam. That hit me so hard in the face that I just start to feel dizzy.

"H-he d-didn't loved me since he started to fuck Lilly? W-why didn't he just tell me!?" I feel the tears burning in my eyes.

"He was scared. He didn't wanted to hurt you." Tom says.

"Ashton, please stop the car." I say to Ashton.


"Please stop the car. I-I need to go to Jason." I mutter.

Ashton pulls over the car and I get out.

"Please go back to the hotel. I'll see you guys later." I say to them before I slam the door.

Luke gets out of the car too. "No, I'm not letting you go alone. Ashton, you can go. I'm gonna stay with Emma."

I look thankful at Luke and then we start walking back to Jason's room in the dorm.

Ella's P.O.V

"Guys, I'm back!" Ashton says.

He walks in and Tom follows him. I feel my heart stop. I look at Tom and when he sees me, his face turns into a lot of worrying.

"Oh my god Ella, are you okay? What happened?" He asks and he walks towards me.

I get up and Tom hugs me. I start crying even harder.

I've decided to tell him the truth.

I let go of him and I look in his eyes. I take a deep breath. "I... I... I..."

I can't tell him, I just can't.

"I missed you." I say and I give him a smile.

I'm sure he won't believe it, because my smile felt just as fake as the existence of aliens

But he does believe me and smiles back at me.

"I've missed you too." He says and he gives me a kiss.

Before I could answer, Calum already answered. And I just wished I never had to see Tom's face this broken.

"Oh for god sake, she cheated on you Tom."

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