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Calum's POV.

"DADDY!" I hear a little voice calling. "Daddy?" Now I hear a whisper in my ear which tickles me, I try not to grin and pretend to be asleep.

"Daddy! ITS MY BIRTHDAY" I still pretend. Ow ow oWW she started jumping on me.

I sit up quickly making her jump even more then was, "you LITTLE DEVIL!!" I laugh a pull into a hug.


"Yes?" I look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"It's my birthday." She looks at me with her beautiful smile she got from Ella, I feel a sudden rush of sadness, my smile disappears, I feel tears build up.

"Calum?" I look up and she's there...in her favourite dress she was buried in.

"Ella?" I put my hand to her cheek, she rest her hand on mine.

"Hey babe" she smiles.
"Why...why are you here?" I ask.

"I'm always here, always watching. I want Matilda to have a great day, please just...just be happy."

"Are you saying I should forget you?...cause I can't." Tears are streaming, she wipes them away, oh her hands are so cold but I still rest my hand on them.

"Calum...you will need to move on, see other girls." She stands up and starts to walk over to the door.

"Ella! You can't leave me again!" I run over to her.

"Make me proud Calum, be strong for Matilda..."

I blink a couple of times before I'm brought back into reality.

"CALUM!?" I see Luke shaking me frantically.

"Luke?" I whisper with a single tear roll down, I look over to see Matilda in Michaels arms, looking at me with horror.

"W..what happened?" I walk over to Matilda. I hold my arms out, she seems scared of me...

"It's daddy." Michael says to her and hands her over to me.

"I'm sorry Tilda...I'm..I'm alright now"

She wipes her tears away. "Are you sure?" She smiles, I nod and kiss her nose which makes her giggle.

"Have you see your presents?" I look at her with a huge smile, she shakes her head.

"THEN GO! Go show Michael" I put her down and she grabs Michaels hand to show him all the presents.

After they go I collapse on the bed, Luke comes and sits next to me.


I nod.

"I'm sorry mate.." He pulls me into a hug.

"DADDY. MIKEY GOT ME A OUR GENERATION DOLL" she was shaking a small doll in my face, I put on a smile...I want her to be happy.

"That's so nice of him isn't it, did you say thank you?" She smiles widely and nods.

"Matilda...your cake is ready!" Ashton runs in, the look on her face was priceless, she runs straight out.


"Has your birthday been good so far?" I ask her as we go into the dressing room, just me and her.

We've been surrounded by people all day, I just wanted to spend time with Tilda....little Ella...

"Yes thank yooooooou daddy, I've had such a nice time, Ashton helped me learn the drums....it's hard" she frowns.

"Hey don't worry, you'll get better" I nudge her and she tries to nudge be back but fails, she really is like Ella and Emma.

"Daddy.....why isn't mummy here?....why is she never here?" She looks at me with a hopeful look.

"T....something happened...after you were born. I'm not sure mummy would want you to know it on your birthday but, mummy is up in heaven with your hamster and kitten" I give her a small smile.

I see her trying to process it.
"So mummy is cuddling smitten right now" she smiles.

"Of course she is, and she is smiling at you, she is so proud of you."

She smiles with the biggest grin and flashes those cute dimples on her cheek, just like Ella..


When will I get over her?!?

"Daddy?, What do you mean?"

Crap, did I say that out loud?

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