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Ella's P.O.V

"What are you doing?" Emma asks to Jason when she walks back in.

I see Jason holding Emma's phone.

"Well, you're phone went off and I saw someone sent you a message." Jason says while he gives her phone back to her.

"Who was it?" She asks.

"Some guy named Luke. I told him you were taking a shower." Jason says while shrugging.

Emma's eyes go wide open, at the exact same moment as mine did.

"What did he write?!" I ask to Emma who quickly unlocks her phone.

She frowns for a second. "This doesn't sound like Luke..."

I get up and walk to Emma. She shows me the message.

"Luke would never write that..." Emma says while she looks confused.

"I think someone else wrote it for him, because Luke was too shy." I say.

We look at each other and then we nod. "Michael." We say at the same time.

Luke has read the message, but didn't answered it.

"I think you hurt his feeling..." I say to Jason. "Luke had a huge crush on her, and I think he might not be over it yet."

"Wait what?" Emma looks at me with a disbelieved look on her face. "Luke had a crush on me?" She asks.

"No, I think he still does..." I say.

"H-how do you know?" Emma asks.

She drops herself next to Jason on her bed.

"When you and Luke went outside, on the day we got transfered, Calum whispered that Luke had a huge crush on you, but I needed to promise him that I wouldn't tell you..." I say.

Jason puts his arm around her. "You okay babe?" He asks quietly.

Emma nods softly. She lets herself fall back and she stares at the ceiling. I almost feel bad for not telling her, but I knew that if I told her, she would've been heartbroken, just like me. It is the worst feeling in the world, and I wish that nobody could ever expierence it...

Why was I heartbroken? Well, when Calum told me about Luke and his crush on Emma, Ashton and Michael went grabbing some food. Calum was being really nervous, so I asked him what was going on. He looked me in the eyes, and he said he liked me. But before I could say it back, Ashton and Michael came back in. And then Luke came back and told me that Emma was waiting for me outside.

When we got transfered to America, Calum sent me a lot of messages. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it to read them, so I deleted them. I needed to get over the guy who liked me, and I liked back. I needed to get over the guy I would never see again.

And the first three months were the hardest. Then, when Emma told me Jason and her were in love, I was so happy for her. And then I knew I didn't wanted to be like this anymore, I didn't wanted to feel broken anymore, I wanted to enjoy life again and I needed to forget about Calum.

I went with Emma to meet Jason, I saw Tom. And then I knew what I wanted to live for.

And no, I wasn't over Calum in a minute, it took me another month, but I did enjoy the moments I shared with Emma, Tom, Jason and Lilly. And I enjoyed the feeling of being in love again.

Because that doesn't hurt as much as being heartbroken.

Because when you're heartbroken, you have troubles with going to sleep. You stay awake for at least 4 hours before you fall asleep. And then when you wake up in the morning, you wish you could go back to sleep. But the worst feeling of being heartbroken, is when you look around you in the middle of the day, you see all the people happy around you, you see friends laughing, you see people hugging, you see couples kissing. And one question that keeps repeating in your head is: "why can't I be happy again?"

But the feeling of being in love... That's like you're floating on a cloud. You see the beauty in things again, you laugh at the smallest things, you keep things locked in your heart, where it will stay forever. The best feeling of being in love, is that when your crush likes you back, you just can spent every minute with him without worrying about time, because you wanna spend all your time with your crush.

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