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Calum's P.O.V

"We're gonna fail, all our fans are gonna hate us." Michael panicked.

"Michael, if their real fans then they can wait." I say trying to comfort him.

The tour had to postponed because Ashton has broke his arm.
I feel really bad because its my fault, I was just messing about, so he nudged me, so I nudge him back, he pushed me, I pushed him a but harder then I should've done.

He was pushed back but he lost his balance and landed on his elbow weirdly.
I feel so fucking bad!

"Hey guys" Ashton says walking in with a big grin.

"Ashton why are you so happy I just broke your arm? I can break the other one if you want." I say which makes the guys laugh.

"I was just thinking how quickly that escalated, like, one second we were just having fun then the next minute BAM I'm in pain on the floor"

Well that doesn't help, I feel worst now.

"Listen Ashton, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to..."

"I know you didn't mean to" He says laughing, how is he this chill?

"WHAT HAPPENED IS ASHTON OK?" Oh Luke's here, we all look at him, awwwh bless he's so worried.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just a broken elbow, which was done by the one and only Calum Thomas Hood" Ashton's says while staring at me.....then he breaks into a smile.

Luke walks over to me and smacks me on the head, to be honest I deserved that.

"Wait what about the tour?" Luke asks.

That's exactly what I was thinking....

Emma's P.O.V

I still can't believe me and Ella are 19, yeah we've been 19 for like half a year but I still feel 16.
Damn in half a year....I'm gonna be 20. How?

So today me and the girls are gonna just hang out, watch movies, eat food and just laugh.
Sometimes I've gotta pinch myself , I never thought I would have such a great life.
When we were little, we would always have suck a crap life, then we got sent here.

I can't actually remember why we were sent here... and it bugs me.
Something happened so the orphanage sent us away.

Just as I was trying to think, Jason came and jumped on me.

"Hey babe!" He says jumping on my tummy,

I let out a huge gasp.

"JESUS JASON!" I shout at him.

"Awwwwwh babe did I hurt you awwwh shame" he says with a smirk.

God why am I in love with this boy? He's a pain in the arse.

"You love me really." He looks at me with puppy eyes.
"Yeah you can think that" I just roll my eyes at his ridiculous face, God I can't resist, I just kiss him.....well maybe more then a kiss.

It starts getting heated, he takes off my top and just admires me, I start to blush.

"Fuck you're so fucking cute" he says to mean which makes me blush even more.

He lifts up my head, leans forward and whispers in my ear, "But your fucking hot as well"

Which makes me moan, he starts kissing down my neck and re-connects his lips to mine.
His hands creep up my back to my bra.... Oh I see where this is going.

He looks at me for permission, I nod. Just as he was about to un-clip the hook Ella walks in. She's looking at her phone and charger.

"Hey Emma my charg..." She looks up and me and Jason and just stares.

"Ella!?" I shout trying to shake her out of her daydream, she shakes her head and comes back into reality.

"Holy crap, I'm so fucking sorry Emma...I...I was just looking for your charger."

I point to my desk.

"Thanks...haha" She lets out a nervous laugh and just walks backwards out the door.. Well she tried but walked into the wall.

"Fuck" she muttered then walked out my room.

"Your sisters weird hahaha" Jason says to me with a smile on his face, he's so handsome.

"Anyway" he starts kissing me again.

"No Jason I've got to get ready" I push him away.

"What! For what?" He asked.

"I was gonna have a day with the girls"

"Seriously?! You weren't gonna spend it with me?!"

Is this boy serious I've been spending my whole time, I've been at this school, with him.

"Please Jason I've spent my whole time with you I just want some girly time" I say trying to keep as calm as I can.

"I just want some girly time, yeah yeah" he says mocking my voice but making it sound like a fucking chipmunk, Ohhh he is pushing me over the line.

"What has gotten into you! Just cause you wanted to have sex cause your as horny as a fucking rhino!"

"Ummm guys.." As small voice comes into our conversation, it was Lilly.

"What!?" We both shout at her.

"Ummm" she gulps, "Errr nevermind" and she runs out.

Crap is she crying.

"I've gotta go, bye Jason"

I walk out to find Lilly.

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