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Ella's P.O.V

"Wow, is there a secret meeting that I don't know about?" Emma laughs when she walks back in.

Ashton turns around very quick and when he sees that me, Michael and Calum are standing there, he just looks at Emma, with so much pain in his eyes.

"W-what's going on?" Emma stutters.

I don't know what to say. Nobody knows what to say and we all just look at Emma.

"Is there something on my face?!" She gets worried a bit.

"No, you're absolutely fine." Luke says with a little smile on his face, which makes her feel a bit better.

"Well, I'm going back outside, so you guys can continue talking." Emma says and she is outside before anyone can say anything.

"H-how much have you heard?" Ashton asks quietly.

"Everything." I mutter.

"Ash...-" Calum starts but Ashton interrups him.

"No, shut up. I don't wanna talk about it." Ashton says agressivly

He grabs his coat and he slams the hotelroom right behind him. We stand there in a silence and then Luke sighs.

"Just don't tell Emma about it..." Luke says.

I look at the balcony door. I see Emma standing there with her back to us, just looking outside.

"Ella?" Luke asks.

"I won't tell her." I say.

Luke nods and he walks to Emma. He puts his hand at her back and she turns around. The look on her face is full of worrying, but Luke simply shakes his head and he hugs her. She stands on the edge of her toes with her head burried in his neck.

"Shit." I say.

"Yeah, you could say that..." Michael says. "All I came to do was asking Ashton what I had to wear tonight. Guess we're not leaving anymore..."

Michael turns around and he walks back to his room.

"Incase someone would like to know, I'm spending the night in here..." Michael says.

I start smiling and Michael closes the door behind him.

"You're ready to go?" Calum asks me.

I just smirk and walk back to his room. He comes after me and presses me against the wall. He leans in, but I hold my hand at his mouth.

"Nah-ah. Just wait till tonight, you might be lucky..."

"Damn. Pregnant and horny." Calum says with a chuckle as he lets go of me.

Emma's P.O.V

"What was that all about?" I ask Luke.

"Oh nothing. We were just talking about what we were gonna do tonight..." He says and he shrugs.

"Luke... Please don't lie to me." I say while I look into his eyes.

He sighs. "I'll tell you another time. This night is ours and I don't want to get this in the way."

"Is it that bad?" I ask worried.

He shakes his head, but I'm not convinced. He presses his lips onto mine and I feel the butterflies in my belly. I pull my head back and try to get my breath back.

"Damn Luke." I laugh.

"You're not used to it ehh." He says. "Just kidding."

"No, actually you're right... I haven't done this in a long time... I realise now that Jason and I didn't had that much sex lately..." I say.

Luke turns away his head.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that..." I say, a bit worried about his reply.

He kisses me again, with so much more passion then I have ever tasted.

"Let's get you forget about that ex of you. I'll show you what love is." He says while kissing me.

The door opens and Calum and Ella are standing there. I let go of Luke with a laugh and then I look at Ella.

She. Is. Stunning.

"Gosh, Ella, you're beautiful!" I say with tears in my eyes. "And I don't even know why I am crying. Fuck. That dress looks so good on you."

"Thank you sis." Ella says while hugging me. "Don't forget to like my insta pics." She whispers.

I start smiling and grab my phone. "Already 100 likes." I say with a blink. "Damn girl."


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