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Michael's P.O.V

We are sitting on the couch as Emma walks in.

I get up and I walk towards her.

She is biting her lip and I know she thinks we're mad at her.

Calum told us that she's so sorry for breaking the contact.

"It's so good to see you again Emma." I say and I give her a hug. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too Mikey." She says and I feel her smiling.

I let go of her and I let Ashton hug her.

And then Luke finally gets off the couch. He walks towards her and they look at each other.

Emma smiles at him and Luke wraps his arms around her. She lays her head on his chest and I wave at Calum and Ash that we should leave them alone for a while.

We walk to the kitchen and we wait for them to come to us.

Emma's P.O.V

My head lays at Luke his chest as he has his arms wrapped thight around me. None of us says something and it just feels perfect.

I have missed him so much. I've missed his arms wrapped around me, his chin resting on my head, his hand rubbing my back and his soft lips that kisses my forhead.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you." I say.

"Not as much as I have missed you. It feels so good to have you back in my arms."

Then Matilda walks in.

"Auntie Emma? Can you please want to read me another bedtime story? I can't sleep." She says while rubbing her eyes.

I nod. "Go back to bed and I will be there with you in a minute."

"Thank you." She says and she walks away.

"Calum? Matilda is awake, I'm gonna read her another bed time story, okay?" I say

Calum walks back to the livingroom. "Okay, give her a kiss from me."

"Will do." I say and I walk to Matilda.

"This book." Matilda says as I walk in.

She's pointing at tangled.

Mine and Ella's favorite book when we were younger. I thought we lost it, but all this time, Ella had it. I pick up the book and hold it to my chest.

"This was your mothers favorite book, and mine too." I say. "Thank you for letting me read in this."

Matilda doesn't say anything and she crawls back in bed, under the blankets. I'm going to lay next to her in bed and I open the book.

A small piece of paper falls out of it. I pick it up and open it. For a second everything is black, I totally forgot about this note...

"What's that auntie Emma?" Matilda asks.

"Nothing you have to worry about. Come, I'm going to start reading now." I say.


When the book is almost finished, I see Luke standing in the doorway. I smile at him and he smiles back.

Matilda has fallen asleep and I get up quietly. I tuck her in and turn the lights off as I close the door behind me.

We walk back to the others and Calum asks what book I picked.

"She picked a book, called Tangled." I say. "It was mine and Ella's favorite book when we were younger.

"I have read every single book that's in her room, except that one... She never wanted me to read it..." Calum says.

I shrug. "I really don't know."

"Maybe she has waited for a woman to read that book, and you're the first woman..." Michael says.

I think Michael is right... Well sort off.

I think I was supposed to see this note first, before Calum got it.

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