Recipe 10: Quarrel

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Dedicated to kazurashane

Alice Flonne's POV:

The following day, I drive my food truck into Alex's house in the town of Silang. It is not like my house, which is situated along the main highway; since it is located inside a subdivision. And when arrived in its gate...

"Excuse me, mam. What's your business in our subdivision?" A guard in the gate asked me.

"Umm...sir...I will just visit Mr. Alexander C. he lives there?"

"Yes, mam. Mr. Ramos lives here. Let me just check your car as a security measure."

The guard gets out of his post and inspects my truck from the outside...and under it through a pole with a mirror in it. And just when he is about to return to his post to say the results to me...he saw from the hood...our kitchen...

"Umm...miss, what's inside of your truck." The guard wondered and asked me. "Is that a kitchen?"

"Yes, sir. That's a kitchen." I explain to him. "Actually...we just started a food truck business yesterday. Is that illegal?"

"Huh? No, of course! Hehehe!" The guard smiled at me in response. "I'm just asking, you know? You can go in now, milady. But...can you give me one of your best foods when you leave?"

"Oh, sure! Thanks!"

Good thing that Alex gave me a map of the subdivision before he came home last night, so that I could see his house...

Good thing that Alex gave me a map of the subdivision before he came home last night, so that I could see his house

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Well...his house is simple two-story house...perhaps that's he got from working as a frycook in a fast food restaurant for five years. But...something's awkward...he has a garage...but he doesn't have a car! Oh well, I will just park the truck there...when Alex suddenly came out and guide me...

"Ok...keep going...keep going...slowly...slowly...ok, stop."

"Thanks for guiding me to park!" I smiled at him as I go down from the truck. "Good morning, Alex!"

"Good morning too, Alice! We already waiting for you, come on!"

Alex opened the door of his house...and in his living room, I saw Danica...sipping into a cup of coffee.

"Oh! Hello, Alice! Hehehe!!!" Danica then waved at me and giggled. "It's very nice to see you!"

"Hehehe! Thank you!" Then I sat at the sofa next to her. "Alright then, what's our business today?"

"Oh, yes." Alex then explains everything. "As you can see...our first day of our business was a smashing success. Thanks to my burgers...and Alice's giniling and giniling burger, we are able to have a very huge profit...which does not only regain our expenses from buying the ingredients in the market, but also we have enough money to expand new plans...not to mention that my former workmate Danica joins the boat. Any suggestions?"

" about your idea recently? Going on a road trip, right?" I quickly responded. "The only thing that we can worry is the gas that our truck needs. We still have a lots of ingredients left in our refrigerator."

"But...there are so many places we need to visit!" Danica refuted. "How can we know where?"

"And how about my house here? How's gonna guard it while we're gone?" Alex asked me too.

"Huehehe! I got the solution for all of your problems!"

With a grin in my face, I picked up a map of the Philippines from my pocket and reveals it to them....

"Since last night...I think about the places that we can visit! I want to travel the whole country! Hehehe!!!"

"Wait, what?! Th-the who-whole country?!" Both Danica and Alex was startled by my decision. "A-are you se-serious?!?!"

"Yes, I'm serious! Hehehe!!!" Then I pointed to the various places in the map. "Think about it...we will travel to new places! We will have great memories together...and the best of all, we can enhance our skills when it comes to cooking! We can now make more people smile with our dishes!"

"Well...that's nice of you." Alex smiled at me. "But...who will take care of my house...and my cat?"

"Wa-wait!!! Yo-your ca-cat?!?!" Upon hearing the word 'cat'...I started to shiver...because...I'm scared at cats!

"Yeah. I have a pet cat. Coincidentally, her name is also Alice." Alex then picks up his pet cat. "Is there anything wrong with that?"


But Alex does not heed my he walks the cat closer to me...


Out of fear, I stood up and Alex follows me until the door. Satisfied on proven my fear of cats, he let the cat go...and grins at me. But for me...

"HMPH!!!" I turned my back at him. "I HATE YOU, ALEX! I REALLY REALLY HATE YOU ALEX!!! HMPH!!!"

"Oh! Come on, Alice! You know that I was just messing with you!"

"HMPH!!!" I walked away from him in a fit of a rage...he pissed me off...and he taking things too far! I want to be alone for a while...but Alex continues to follow me.

"Alice! Alice!!!" Alex managed to catch over me and grab my hand.

"WHAT?!" I finally face him angrily. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! DO YOU JUST WANT TO PRANK ME AGAIN?!?!"

"NO! I WON'T!!!"

Alex's POV:

I unexpectedly shouted at Alice...that I cover my mouth in shock. And when Alice begins to cry...I started to panic...


"Oh! Hey! Hey! I-i don't mean to hurt you..." I hugged her tightly to console her. "Ple-please forgive me...I'm sorry..."

"'re such...sniff...a big...sniff...stupid...sniff...meanie...sniff...jerk!!!"

"Sorry...forgive me, please? I'm so insensitive with your feelings...I just thought that you will like my cat...but I was wrong..."

Alice didn't say anything to me...she's still crying...I guess she's still hate me...I must tell her something...

"Alright...Alice...I made a fault to you yesterday...when are consoling Danica with her problem...I are insensitive with her feelings when you are cooking that giniling dish...but I was wrong...your cooking change her life...I was underestimate you..."

After everything said and done...I am the one who turns my back on a fit of regret...

"Well...if you really hate me can leave now...and let me suffer the consequences."

"WAAAIT!!!" And as a started to wall away, Alice run towards in front of me...and stop me from leaving.

"Alex! I never said that you must leave!" Alice smiled at me while wiping tears on her eyes. "I wanted you to realize your mistakes...that's why I became mad at you. Alright...I will forgive you...if you let me do something on you, okay?"

I simply Alice takes a deep breath, close her eyes and...slapped my face real hard...



"Ha! That's what you've get when you mess with me! Hehehe!" Alice, emotionally recovered, boastfully giggled at me. "And now, I will give the answer."

"Huh? What answer?"

"The answer of who will gonna guard my...and your house." Alice then pulls out her cellphone from her pocket. "Hello...yep, this is Alice...yes, I'm gonna need your help...oh, really?! You will gonna come here immediately?! OK! Bye-bye!"

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