Recipe 22: Lovebirds

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Roadtrip Day 4
Location: Baguio City

Alice Flonne's POV:

BRRRR!!!! Even I wear my jacket, I'm still shivering with the cold right now!

Anyway, it's nighttime in Baguio, and together with Alex and my friends, we sneaked into a fancy restaurant where my customer, Christian Carlos Gutierrez, PhD., is trying to dating his longtime girlfriend for the first time...using the unexpected first-hand knowledge from my boyfriend Alex.

"Oh, hello! Carl!" Carlos's girlfriend called him by his nickname. "You look fabulous today!"

"Hehehe! Thanks, Tin-Tin! So...umm...what you want to eat today?" Alex stuttered his words while asking for her foods.

"Hehehe! After all these years, you're still shy on me! Hehehe!" Tin-Tin punned at his boyfriend and giggled. "Oh well, I would just two orders of spaghetti and a pizza for both of us."


As Carl orders their food to eat, Claire is already planning for the next destinations in our roadtrip...

"Okay! We are already halfway north...but our next destination will be harder to reach than you thought. Our next destinations are Santiago City in Isabela, Tuguegarao in Cagayan, and Pagudpud in Ilocos Norte and all the roads going there are rough and we will pass through the mountains. To be able to have more profits and more customers to smile, we need to wake up and leave early. Alice and Alex, you need to have enough strength to drive the truck through those treacherous conditions...and able to work as well...especially you, Alice."

"Yes, I understa-hey! Their orders are here!"

"Yes, I understa-hey! Their orders are here!"

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The conversation is interrupted when I saw Carl and Tin-Tin's table already filled with the foods that they ordered

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The conversation is interrupted when I saw Carl and Tin-Tin's table already filled with the foods that they ordered...

"Sorry if I bothered you...and let you order our food."

"Oh, that's fine!" Tin-Tin smiled at him. "In fact, going me out in a date is already manly enough for me."

"Oh, really? How do you say so?" Carl smiled by her remark.

"Well, you helped me through my college studies...especially by helping me to pass the nursing board exams. Actually...before you taught me medicine, I was so scared of seeing blood that sometimes I passed out. But through your help, I made it through and now...I will be a nurse...and hopefully I can work with you! Hehehe!"

I continued to listen to Tin-Tin's testimony. "Yeah, I know. You are not a tough guy like everybody else can't cook, you can't fix your own apartment...or even open a can through a can opener! Hehehe! But what matters most're not perfect, but you will do everything...just for me..."

The couple smiled at each other as they eat their spaghettis...and exchange bites on the pizza they shared to ordered. After that, Tin-Tin asked him...

" about you, can you...umm...describe me?"

With his girlfriend's face blushing, he unnoticingly looked to Alex, perhaps he is looking for help in making a crucial response...but the only thing that my boyfriend did is signaled him...saying that he should stick to the plan.

"I'm not well in words're the only person that accepted me." Finally, Carl confessed his feelings. "I mean it...I always get dumb and clumsy that sometimes you get annoyed and pissed off several times in our never leave me. You're beautiful...and many guys here in the city have come to court you still choose me. And for very first love of my life, Tin-Tin, I thank you. Is there anything that you want from me? I assure you, tonight I will buy it for you."

"Well, I ask nothing more!" Tin-Tin smiled brightly at Karl in response. "And now we finished our date, let's go ho-wait! Where's the bill? We both prepared the money to pay that, don't you?"

"Of course, I did! Fortunately, somebody else did!"

And on the signal of his whistle, we stood up and finally introduced ourselves...

"We are the ones who helped Carl with your date." I was the owned who do the explanation. "You see, Carl is our customer in the food truck that we drive...and he seeks help in making your date successful by advising him."

"Hehehe! Carl, you still rely on others, huh?" Tin-Tin punned her boyfriend while patting his head. "Anyway, thank you guys for helping him. Say, milady, your face look familiar to you. May I ask you for your name?"

"Oh, yes...sure. My name is Alice Flonne Molina.

"Molina, huh? I heard that surname before...I know somebody that he said that he has a younger sister named Alice."

Tin-Tin's revelation leaves me speechless...this is it...this would be one of my long lost brother...or mother...

"Tin-Tin...can you tell me where is he is?" I inquired the lady. "I'm searching for my mother and two older brothers to be exact..."

"Hmm...from the last time that I saw him...probably he is residing in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte. He has a sari-sari store there and...lives with somebody...I don't know though who it was..."

Whoever he lives with, I don't care. I just want to find him...and see him once again...

"Thanks for the information, Tin-Tin." In the end, I smile to her. "I always hope that my family will be together once again."

"I hope so, too." Tin-Tin patted my shoulders. "Look, they grown you up to be a great girl...with a great talent and a great heart. Now, it's time to give back to what you owe them."

"Thanks, Tin-Tin! I owe you one as well. Hehehe!"

Though I was happy that I'm starting to bringing my family back together...something in my heart makes me...sad. Yes, the longing for them for so long...the scar of the starting to open again...

"Flonne! Flonne!" My deep thinking was interrupted when Alex called me.

"Oh! Yes, Alex!"

But Alex didn't utter a word, instead he only smiles at me. I almost forgot...he told me that he will help me finding my family...along with my friends. Hehehe...I couldn't ask for more...this is all what I wanted...true friends that will never leave you behind...

"I know what you are thinking about me, Alex! Hehehe!" I giggle to Alex as we walk back, holding hands together, to our food truck. "But whatever it means, thank you."


I looked back and saw my friends Claire and Danica smiling...flirting at me...

"Mou! I told you that you must never flirt about us, remember?"

"Of course, Alice! But, the date's finished right?" Danica refuted.

"Yeah...get used with us!" Claire added. "Because anytime, anywhere...if we see you flirt like that, we will tease you...and pun you and..."

"OH! COME ON!!!"

"Oh, Alice! Hehehehe!!!"

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