Recipe 82: Steak

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Road Trip Day 34
Location: Pagadian City

Alice Flonne's POV:

Making burger steak, huh? Let's see what can I do...

"Flonne, can you pass me some flour?"

"Yes, Lexi!"

Right now, my fiance is busy cooking the gravy that will be poured on the burger patty. I was then thinking...mixing flour with water will make the gravy, but most of the time, it will taste somewhat stale...well, I don't want to make my fiance be criticized just like me I make a decision...

"Hey, Lexi. How about I add some spices in your gravy that you are making right now?"

"Hmm? How is that so?" Lexi wonders and asks. "Having the same formula will just make some great taste to the gravy, right?"

"Well...not always." I simply explain to him. "In some cases, adding flour with water just make the taste a bit more...umm...stale..."

"Oh...okay, then. Carry on." Lexi smiled at me as he permitted to me what I am supposed to do.

So while Lexi is mixing up his original recipe, I add some secret make his gravy more tasty.

"Flonne, could you flip some patties for me?" Lexi handled down his next orders, but...

"Umm...Lexi. I don't know how to do it."

" just put the patties on the grill and flip them up when you see that the one side is already cooked." Lexi explains. "It's like when you fry those...umm...fishes."

"Hmmmm!!!!" I looked at him very intently as if he was insulting me but... "Hehehe!!! Just kidding! Alright, I'll do it."

Lexi helped me in turning on the grill and providing the patties and the spatula for me...

Claire's POV:

I never seen Alex and Alice worked together for the same dish ever since we make that lasagne back then in Davao. And as compared with last time...and ever since their seems that the two has become ever closer to each other...

"Lexi, for how long will I need to wait before flipping the patties?"

"Well...don't worry, Flonne." Alex smiles at his future sweetie while mixing the gravy. "If I smell that your patty is cooked, I'll tell you when."

"Thanks, Lexi!"

Danica,Azmina and I are happily observing them together...having their time of their lives...

"Hey, guys. Throughout our entire food trip, do you have that instance that you fell on love with somebody?"

"WHAAAY?!?!" Azmina and I are startled...and blushed by Danica's sudden inquiry. "How in the world do we fall with our customers?!"

"Well...we met with some of our...umm...cute and adorable customers. Hehehe!" Danica giggles as punning us. "It's impossible that nobody of us will have crushes with them. Hehehe!"

"Well...tell us first." Azmina dared her. "Who's your crush?"

" crush will be...umm...Dr. Gutierrez?"

"WHAAAT?!?!" I'm startled! For he's my crush too!!! "Wha-why?!?!"

"Well...he's so cute and adorable. And when he speaks...he speaks like an angel! KYAAAA!!!" Danica flirts too much. "Ha! Don't tell me that Dr. Gutierrez is your crush too? Sorry, he's mine! Hehehe!!!"

"Mou! Fine, I have another one!" I pouted her in retaliation. "I think I have somebody else that I liked as would be...Frederico Palompon, you know...the seafood chef back in Samar?"

"No way! He's too handsome for you, Claire! Hehehe!" Danica punned me again and giggles. "Don't you know that back then when we are savoring his watering dishes, I can't stop myself from looking at him."

"Oh! I thought you like Dr. Gutierrez? Hehehe!" I fought back in her blushing face and chuckled. "Remember when it comes to love, stick to just one guy, understand?"

"Mou! Hmph!" And all of what Danica could do is to pout her face and turned back from me. I have just make another victim of my clumsy flirtness. Hehehe!!! The next one would be...Azmina.

"So, Azmina. What woud you be your crush throughout your stay with the crew?" I simply asked my Muslim friend.

"Huh? Wha-what are you talking about?" Her simple stutter mais me see that she is hiding something. "I'm not gonna fa-fall in love with somebody! My father will be ve-very angry if he le-learns about it."

"Hmm? Are you sure?" I refute back with a grin. "Perhaps you had fall in love with somebody...even Alice's own brother, Jake!"

"KYAAAA!!!!" Danica and I flirted so much about it...making Azmina's face blush a bit further...until...

"Alright, I mean it!" We finally caught Azmima red-handed. "I have a crush on him because he's the one who saved my father from the terrorist. It's just I'm so shy to tell his younger sister Alice about it."

"Hehehe! Why didn't you say so?"

We didn't know that Alice is already eavesdropping our conversation and smiled at us.

"You know that Kuya Jake is just around the corner. Why don't I call him and have some conversation with you? Good thing that Lexi and I just finished cooking some burger steak."

"KYAAA!!!!" Danica and I flirted once again as Alice picked up her cellphone and started to call her oldest brother, Jake...

"Hello...yes, it's me, Alice...well, Azmina wanted to talk about you so...can you come over? Oh...okay, I'm gonna tell it right away. OK...thanks for helping me out. See you later...bye! Hehehe!"

"So...what does your brother said about it?" Danica quickly asks Alice upon hanging up her call.

"Well...Kuya Jake says that he will be right over." Alice simply replies. "But you should wait for him very patiently, for he is doing something important, okay?"

"Yes, Alice."

In the looks of her face, Azmina looks if her heart is pounding right at this very moment. But as Alice returns to the kitchen and makes final preparation for the dish that she will be about to be shared with Jake...she turned back and smiled...

"Don't worry, Azmina. If he's very strict in the battlefield, it's the opposite when he deals with people." Alice explains to cheer her up. "Don't hesitate to talk casual to him. I promise...he will be very sincere to you."

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Alice."

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