Recipe 73: Brohood Talk

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Road Trip Day 29
Location: Nabunturan, Compostela Valley

Kyle's POV:

It's a windy but pleasant night...the entire gang decided to stay in an overnight inn while Alice takes care of Jake at the hospital. Tomorrow will be the day he will be discharged...and the day we have a chance to see my mother. But for now...I called my little sister's boyfriend...along with the three friends that the couple was able to meet throughout their journey.

"Oh! Hello, Kyle." Alex sits down with me and his friends. "Why do you call us, may I ask? Is there something you need to talk about?"

"Yes. Certainly. In fact, I would like to know about your relationship with Alice." Then I asked a question. "'s is my little detective sis these days with you?"

"AYEEEE!!!!" Claire, Danica and Azmina flirts as Alex, with his face blushing, tries to answer my question.

"'s fine...umm...we're really getting along with each other."

"Hmm...okay. Have you ever thinking about marrying her...even a single instance?" I followed up with another question...

"KYAAAAA!!!!!" ...which was met with much more flirt from the girls. But...because of them, Alex is very shy to tell the answer.

"Come on, I just want to know." So I patted his shoulder to cheer him up. "Me and Jake have been talking earlier about how you helped my little detective sis pursued her passion in cooking as well as finding both of us."

" If tha-that's fine with her the-then so be it. it a bit little too early for that to happen?"

"Hey, is not bad to propose and then marry her after a year." I grins at my friend. "'s a question that can calm you down. Do you remember what you said about helping Alice back in Pagudpud?"

"Oh! Yes, certainly." Alex smiled at me. "I remember telling you that I motivated her to pursue her passion in cooking. But...why is that so?"

"Well...of course I know that my little detective sis have something that have changed your life, right?"

That question froze Alex for a if he was enlightened by my question...

"Well...umm...actually, yes." Alex then smiles brightly. "Flonne taught me what it was to be in a family. All my life...I wanted to have these people...these friends like this. My family doesn't love me so they dumped me....I lived alone...have a decent job...and have brought all of the things...trying to be happy...but...even I have all those things...even though I can talk...and laugh with Danica while at work, when I come home...when I turned on the lights...I feel things, my's not enough...I wasn't contented...I need friends...I need a true family. I was devastated when I lost my job...I'm fact...I was already thinking...of taking suicide by that moment...when I met Flonne."

The girls smiled at Alex as he continues his story. "Yeah, I mean it...we have so many differences between two of us...Flonne has so many knowledge about cooking as compared with mine...I only cook limited fast food recipes and I just learned one homemade. But...if there's anything that I learned from her...that is material things doesn't matter at all to have contentment...she taught long as there's people caring for you...I can have contentment...and when I realized...I found a family. There's Flonne...then comes Danica, Claire, Azmina...and even you Kyle. We can still fight over the best dish after this conversation...but...after all the challenges we and our friends has succeeded to's not just any ordinary rivalry...this is the testament how I grateful I meet...and loved Alice Flonne."

"Hmm...I see. If my little detective sis was able to hear that, she'll be shedding tears of joy for you." I told Alex with a faithful smile. " you want to propose my little sis now?"

"WHAAAT?!?!" Alex blushed again amidst another wave of flirting from the girls. "I di-didn't say that I will propose to her tonight!!! I me-mean...I'm still not I still have so-some more time?!?!"

"Oh! Come on, Alex! I know you want it! Ayeeee...hehehe!!!" Claire puns him and giggles. "Don't let this opportunity pass! We're almost over with this road trip! You need to make something...what should I call it...oh! A lasting legacy! Hehehe!!!"

"Yes, Alex. You should pursue her right now!" Danica adds to the conversation. "Since you said that Alice had changed your life...make this opportunity to pay her back!"

"Don't sweat it, bro. We can make your proposal in a jiffy." I concluded. "The question should we do it."

"Oh! Guys! Guys! I have an idea!"

"Hmm? Okay, Azmina. Let me hear it from you." I let Alice's friend speaks her idea.

"I know the perfect place where Alex could propose to Alice, in Cagayan De Oro. There's a certain beach side with a beautiful scenery of the sea and the sunset. Claire and Danica, we should tell Alice that we will take a little break in a shopping mall to buy all the stuff we need for our next destinations. Kyle and Jake must stay with us in Cagayan de Oro...I'll tell you why later."

Azmina continues with the second part of our plan. "Before sunset...Alex you should take a peek from afar. If you see a flashing light from my mirror, you should excuse yourself from work and follow us. And that's all of us will show up in front of by one...starting with me, Claire and Danica...then Jake and Kyle...and finally, you...Alex. Don't worry about the ring, we got you covered since my father will buy and deliver it to me for you. Just think about something about her before you propose, okay?"

"...sigh...I cannot escape this, can I?" Alex makes a deep sigh and smiled at us. "Alright...I'll do my best...but you sense something wrong about me...please let me know, okay?"

"You bet! Hehehe!!!" Laughter and joy filled the atmosphere. With this, it's settled...Alexander Ramos will propose to my little detective sis Alice Flonne Molina...I hope it will be successful...well that's after we are able to see mom again! Hehehe!

"...hnnng...hnnng..." Then, Alex's phone vibrates. He picks it up and accepted the call.

"Hello...Oh! Flonne! What's up? Hmm...Jake wants me to come over? Well, sure! I would right there in a jiffy, just wait for me, okay? the way, why does Jake calls me...Oh! I secret, huh? Hehehe...I see. Alright then, I'm going now...okay, bye!"

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