6: Ditched

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Kai's grip on me loosened and I took the opportunity to push him off of me. I was aiming on making him stumble but that didn't happen because he was bigger than me. I looked at him with pink cheeks before looking at Mrs. Kim.

“Nothing Mrs. Kim, we were just talking!" I said nervously while hoping that he would drown in his own saliva for putting me in this awkward situation.

Mrs. Kim chuckled lightly which wasn't the reaction I was expecting; “Oh you two! I thought you were… oh never mind!” she said with a bright smile. My eyebrows connected because she was being dirty minded if I was correct. This made both me and Kai open our mouth slightly.

"No!" me and him screamed in defense automatically so she wouldn't misinterpret this whole scenario because we both knew what she was thinking of. Okay, so maybe it was too late.

I started giving him glares and he just looked at me with a disgusted face, probably imagining stuff.

“He was about to leave,” I continued with a cold voice while crossing my arms. I still wasn't done with whatever business I was about to do in the bathroom. He interrupted me when he suddenly barged in.

Kai scoffed without looking at me; “Whatever,” he said as he walked out.

His mother looked at the two of us with a confused face before she smiled genuinely. I faked a smile and bowed before she left and I made sure to lock the door this time. I leaned against it before my mind drifted into thoughts.

Let’s just get this over with. 2 months and that car will be on my hands. I thought while I imagined my dream car in my head.

I went over to my luggage that was standing all alone next to the sink where I left it and searched for my pajamas. I dumped everything in the bag onto the floor because I had no patience and quickly found what I searched for. I noticed that most of my pajamas were really short shorts that I only wore at home in comfort. Now that I had to share a room with an animal, I decided to wear my sweatpants and a hoodie because I was too shy to show skin at the moment.

I brushed my teeth and took out my contact lenses before I tied my hair in a ponytail and threw everything back into my bag like it was garbage since I didn't have the strenght to fold everything back again.

When I was done with everything, I stood in the middle of the big bathroom, wondering what I was going to do next because I refused to be in the same room as him right now.


It was getting late and the clock struck 9 p.m. My parents and Hunter were about to leave because he was so tired now so I went downstairs to say goodbye.

“Be good,” my mother said and looked at me with intense eyes. I didn’t answer and just hugged her instead before rolling my eyes while thinking that it was quite impossible to be good around that jerk. He's practically begging for me to snort out sarcastic replies and bitchy answers. My father told me to come back with improved knowledge so I nodded before he gave me a kiss on the cheek. My little brother didn’t bother to hug me or say goodbye since he’s just happy about me being away from home.

“I will use your computer while you are gone,” he teased.

“You can try but it’s locked,” I teased back before I looked around and stuck out my tongue quickly so Mr. and Mrs. Kim wouldn't notice.

Hunter looked at me with a scowl and I grinned in content before thinking that I won. Sometimes my maturity level was at the same level as his when he was five years younger than me.

I waved goodbye together with Mr. and Mrs. Kim to my parents when they drove off. And it seems like Kai didn't even mind to come down to say goodbye because well, he's an asshole.

I went upstairs and slowly opened the door and stuck in my head to check the situation. I saw Kai lying on the bed but I couldn't see if he was awake or not. Everything was so blurry since I took out my contact lenses because I had horrible eyesight, making it almost impossible to see anything.

I carefully walked to the couch, which the maids had already set up for me with cushions and blankets earlier. Luckily, his back was facing me so I wouldn't have to wonder if he was looking at me or not.

I got closer and closer to the couch when I noticed that the pillow and covers were missing and I knew it was there earlier. I turned around to face Kai because I knew this was his little scam.

“Where did you put my pillow and blanket?” I said seriously while crossing my arms like a little child.  

“I threw them out in the hallway were you belong, I’m kicking you out,” he said casually. His voice was strained, indicating that he was tired.

I grunted in anger; “I don’t have time for you childish behavior,” I said because I was tired as well. He was probably lying that they were there as well. I decided that I could sleep without them.

“Well, you could’ve just given me your phone,” he said smugly and I rolled my eyes at that.

Well, you could've just killed yourself. 

“Idiot,” I muttered before I lay on the couch and drifted away to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up because I had enough sleep, literally. It felt like a weekend because I had fully gained power now. I stretched around on the couch when I felt something sharp sticking on my forehead that was making my nose itchy. I frowned before grabbing it and looked at it confused. It was a yellow post-it. Damn it Kai.


It was written big, clear letters with a black thick marker. Late? Late to what? It's summer vacation.

My eyes suddenly widened when I realized I wasn't't even at home and that I had freaking summer school to attend. I growled in irritaton before sitting up and then scratching my head.

There was another sentence below, smaller than the first one that I didn't notice at first because my eyes were still a little blurry.

"You forgot your underwear in the bathroom."

My forehead roughened before my eyes grew wide as saucers when I realized that I might have forgotten to throw one back in inside last night. My body quickly unfolded in fear before I sprinted to the bathroom.

I looked for it in the floor, completely panic-stricken but I didn’t see anything but shiny black tile floor.

I sighed in irritation when I realized he was just messing around with me so I went back to the room with slumped shoulder. I checked the watch and my eyes widened yet again in surprise when it said 11 a.m, indicating that I am really late.

I ran downstairs and wes met with maids that started bowing to me in a respectful manner. My eyebrows connected because I wasn't't used to it so I bowed in a hurry and ran to the kitchen. I saw Mrs. Kim sitting there drinking tea and I looked at her strangely because I didn’t expect her to be there. She was as surprised to see me too judging from the way she looked at me.

“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at school with Jongin?” she wondered while her forehead wrinkled a little bit. I just looked at her, clueless. Was he supposed to wake me up? Mrs. Kim noticed that I was confused. “Didn’t he wake you up? I told him yesterday to wake you up and that you two should go two school together, since it’s your first day,” Well, he obviously decided to go without me!

My eyes narrowed in frustration from the pranks he decided to pull this not so early morning, making it more difficult for me. What a brat!

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