46: The Talk

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A/N; I'm so so sorry I haven’t been updating for a while because I’ve been practicing dance for an upcoming school festival


Kai’s POV.

”We need to talk.”

The same moment those words left my lips Sam’s eyes widened slightly in fear. It surprised me because she doesn’t usually show signs of vulnerability. Her true innocence made an appearance before she looked to the side, refusing to face me and meet my eyes.

“I have nothing to say.”

“Well I have plenty.”

She remained frozen in the same position while I eyed her side profile. The yellow light casted soft shadows on her features making her look more angelic than usual. This restricted area made us stand close to each other but it was enough to make a very small gap settle between us. I tried to step back because I noticed she was getting nervous and fidgety.

She retorted, “I don’t care.”

My face fell a little from her answer, knowing she had given up but I smirked while I had a comeback in my mind that I was preparing to say.

“Really? Then why did you get upset when I was with Yihyun?”

I knew I hit a nerve when she slowly looked at me with the meanest face I have ever seen on her. Her face scrunched up incredulously and I waited for her to yell and scream at me for blurting out such a heartless comment. At least she would say something on her mind, letting me know that she was angry and hurt. Rather than keep quiet while I die a little inside, wondering what the heck she is thinking about and staring at me with a look I never want to see again.

My eyebrows arched in surprise though from her reply because it was the opposite from what I was expecting.

“Because I fell for you,” she said in a soft whisper while looking in to my eyes, shifting her eyes back and forth between them. I had automatically held my breath since that was quite a big blow for me. “Stupidly, carelessly, obnoxiously and idiotically,” she punctuated between every word with an edge while narrowing her eyes on me, different from the tone she used on the first sentence. Her voice was coated in fury while seething on the surface.

On other days I would have rejoiced after she uttered those words because God knows how long I have waited for her, being patient and calm because I know my forwardness would scare her. But this wasn’t any other day and the four words she spoke afterwards meant she wasn’t exactly ecstatic about it.

Automatically, I seem have gotten closer to her unconsciously, towering over her small height while looking down on her petite and lithe figure. She looked up to meet my eyes making an electric and hard tension settle in between them. She was one stubborn ass girl that refused to break it before I would.

“Are you satisfied, Kai?” she asked with an attitude while I furrowed my eyebrows. I wasn’t on the same page as her because I didn’t know what hell she was talking about. She took my silence as a sign to continue, “Are you satisfied that you have broken my heart?”

My face hardened in anger because of her accusation while my fists balled up, threatening to crush the wall behind her. How dare she even think that I was doing this purposely after everything we’ve been through? Is she really this thick headed or is she doing this on purpose just to piss me off? She is sure as hell succeeding.

I jutted my jaw to the side while I continued narrowing my eyes on her, continuing our battle for dominance. She is equally stubborn as I am and the thought of it made me smirk in delight knowing one of our famous traits is similar. This girl can win a staring contest against a statue if she wanted to.

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