43: Replaced

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Sam’s POV.

Feeling horrible definitely felt like an understatement at the moment. Nothing would be able to stop me right now while I ran in the streets and through the darkness. I ran the fastest I could out of the neighborhood while receiving few looks from by passers until my legs felt like they were going to give up.

I stopped when I didn’t recognize the area any longer and carefully sat down on a bench next to the bus stop. It was then I noticed that it was raining at the moment after I sat down and tried to relax. And it wasn’t just small droplets of water that was barely noticed; it was heavy rain that hit the ground loudly while drenching my whole body and clothes.

I looked up to the dark and empty sky while blinking slowly when water came into my eyes. I couldn’t help but to notice that the weather matched my mood; sad and gloomy. How come it had to rain specifically today? It never rained while I was here; it was always warm and sunny, just like summer should be.

I didn’t bother to take shelter from the rain because I was too tired and didn’t have enough strength to do anything. I was drowning in my thoughts that I was desperately trying to escape but they somehow managed to shower me, just like the weather.

My tears had started mixing with the raindrops so it was hard to tell what I was wiping away on my cheeks. I knew I was crying though, even though I wasn’t sobbing or sniffling. It was strange how they just ran down my cheeks like it was normal while I looked stiff, not showing much emotion besides being dead tired.

I noticed that my hands had started feeling cold and my body shivered from the chilliness when I was about to grab my phone from my drenched skinny jeans. They clung to my legs like there is no tomorrow and I had trouble unlocking it before calling the person in my mind.

Jung Hana.

It rang a few seconds before a tired Hana answered, but I could tell from the tone in her voice that she was excited yet worried on why I was calling at this hour.

“Sup?” she answered while I stared at my feet. It was silent for a while before she started wondering what was wrong with me.

I stammered a little from the coldness “Can you pick me up?”

Hana didn’t say anything and she knew something wasn’t right. Without saying anything and knowing that she nodded even though I wouldn’t be able to see it, she hung up.


I decided to go to the train station while waiting for her. I had lifted the bus without paying therefore receiving evil and mad looks from the bus driver, but I couldn’t care less. The tears were still continuing on making an appearance, as if they had started to run, then they wouldn’t be able to stop running. It has been a while since I cried so it didn’t really stun me; it felt like they were taking advantage of me by letting out as many teardrops as they could while they had this opportunity when I was fragile.

Passengers would pity me whenever they saw my wet cheeks while I looked out the window, feeling down and miserable. Honestly, I didn’t feel sorry for him or for myself. This was my entire fault from the start; I shouldn’t have trusted him, or fall for him as a matter of fact.

I started to tear up more but quickly wiped them with the back of my hand. Hana would arrive soon and I didn’t want her to see me this vulnerable because she would probably freak out more than necessary since she isn’t used to it. Something bad must have happened to me to make me feel this awful to this extent.


Hana arrived a moment later after she called me and wondered where I was. I told her the location of the train station and she told me that she would arrive in a moment, which she fulfilled.

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