24: Fear

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Kai’s POV.

I remained a cold poker face when the leader announced that me and Sam are going to be partners. 

My plan worked. I knew it, I was born brilliant.

I looked at Sam and she was gaping like a shocked camel. I sealed my lips to prevent myself from laughing. 

That’s what you get from falling asleep on the first meeting.

The principle announced on the first meeting that the person that is late for the first day of the camping trip are automatically excluded from the plans which creates a partner switch. I knew that if me and Sam were to come late we would have to become partners.

“But why?!” Sam cried. “I’m going to be stuck with this thing now?!” she said and pointed at me with her hand.

“I’m sorry, I’m sure you liked Myungsoo, but you’ll probably like Jongin too,” he said. “Plus, he’s handsome,” the leader winked to her. She just scoffed.

“Whatever,” she said and walked away like an angry child to the girls’ cottage. I shrugged and bowed down to the leader before heading over to the boys’ cottage.

I went inside and saw that they have already jinxed a bed for themselves. They were sitting on it while talking to each other or unpacking. Some of them were changing clothes. I didn’t recognize half of them because they’re juniors. I noticed that there is only a mattress left while I was looking around. I refuse to sleep on the floor so I looked to the right where the nearest bed was. Another senior was sitting on it while playing with his phone.

“Move,” I ordered. He looked up and widened his eyes. I gave him a look and he instantly started to pack his stuff up and walked to the mattress. I smiled in content and sat on it. It wasn’t as comfortable as my bed but I'd rather sleep on this bed than that old mattress.

I noticed that everybody was looking at me, yet I was ignoring it. But there was one presence that I couldn’t ignore. It was Myungsoo and he was staring at me like he knew what I was up too. I stared back and smirked before opening my bag. I was unpacking when I noticed an unfamiliar plastic bag. What is this? I opened it and took out whatever was in there. I got the shock of my life when I realized what it was. It was Sam’s underwear. 

Oh my goodness.

I started to remember that she asked me earlier about putting something in my backpack since hers was full before we would head out. I laughed hysterically while holding one of her bras. I shoved it back in before the guys would notice and then I headed to the door.

“Where are you going? We all have to meet up again soon,” one of my classmates said. I smirked and continued walking.

“I’ll be right back.”


Sam's POV.

I was sitting on one of the beds while crossing my arms. I was pissed and everyone knew why although they didn’t understand.

“Hey, you should be happy,” the girl sitting on the bed left to me said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Oh god, It’s one of those girls that think he’s a saint.

“Why are you talking to me?” I said in a bitchy voice.

“Well sorry for trying to be nice.” She said sarcastically and continued with reading her book. At least she was reading books unlike the other girls around here.

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