10: The Bet

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Both of us continued staring at each other while standing in the middle of the room. He looked at me and let out a kind smile while I looked at him with a raised eyebrow, wondering what he was doing here while he was probably thinking the same about me.

“What’s your name?” he asked politely and blinked.

“Sam,” I answered as nicely as possible and didn't bother to ask the same because I already knew. I decided to be nice to him since Hana likes him and it wouldn’t hurt to introduce them to each other later on. I grinned mentally when I thought about how happy she would be and what an awesome friend I truly am.

“I’m Luhan,” he smiled generously and I just nodded I heard that. He looked at me, confused.

“Are you Kai’s girlfriend?” he asked curiously with a hint of tease in his tone. I'm what?

Before I would laugh to show him what a joke that was, a group consisting three boys stormed in to the room, making me forget about the question for a second. They were all pushing each other, trying to get a glimpse of me while I stared at them without blinking. I just looked at them with a straight face while they lined up in front of me.

“Whoa, hyung! She’s really pretty!” one of them said. I took note that he was younger than Kai from the formal language. “I’m Oh Sehun!” he said with a bright smile before he took out his hand for me to shake it but I just looked at it like; why would I want to shake your hand? He became nervous from my reaction so he put it back in his pocket before he shuffled nervously.

“Shy girl,” he stated before his face went blank. I just looked at him amazed since he was handsome while he stared at me, thinking he made a bad first impression.

“I’m Tao,” one of them said suddenly and moved closer to me, interrupting my inner thoughts. Tao and Sehun started pushing each other, trying to stand in front of me. I could tell they were doing that to purposely annoy each other.

Another guy rolled his eyes before speaking; “And I’m Lay,” the third one said and easily pushed both of them away. They all smiled at me, expecting a response.

“I’m Sam,” I answered before looking back at Luhan again. “And no, Luhan,” I said, answering his question ealier. They all started to look at each other like they’ve missed out on something.

“Then why are you here?” Luhan asked with raised eyebrows. The three boys were looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. Can you not be here without being his girlfriend?

“She lives here, with me. And yes, she sleeps with me,” Kai said, filling his voice in the room out of nowhere. I felt my face turn red from his choice of words because they could easily be misinterpreted. I scowled and made a disgusted face before throwing profanities in my mind at him for saying such a vulgar thing. The boys started to look at each other like they sensed something was going on.
I just looked at Kai with an incredulous face, but he didn’t even glance at me. 

“You know, hyung. You could easily misinterpret what you just said,” Sehun said teasingly while a light tint of red was shown on his face.

Tao giggled; “Maybe that’s the point,” he said and turned his attention to Kai. Lay just scoffed.

“Never," Kai said blatantly before turning away from me. "Now come down. Why are you even here?” Kai said obviously annoyed that they suddenly ditched him downstairs. They all followed him with their eyes because they got confused since he got mad out of nowhere. I knew they were only joking around because boys will be boys and apparently boys have lame sense of humour. 

“Pft, never to you too,” I added and went to the bathroom, ignoring the looks I received from the after my little reply.

“I think Kai has found his soulmate,” Lay said when I closed the bathroom door while looking pissed off.

“Agreed, I don’t know her but I can already see that she’s just like him,” Luhan said and smiled triumphantly.

Sehun looked at them before he burst out in laughter and agreed. “It’s creepy, but they would make a great couple.”

Luhan had a wondering look;“ I give them two weeks. Three tops,” Luhan said confidently. “Wanna bet on who falls in love first?” he said while raising his eyebrows.

“I bet she is. Kai is handsome but hard to get,” Sehun said after a lot of thinking while looking around at the pictures inside Kai's room.

“No, he will first. He’s too conceited to make her fall in love with him,” Tao said while he sat on Kai's bed and tried the springs. “She seems stubborn.”

Lay agreed with Tao while Luhan took Sehun’s side.

Tao smirked before he spoke; "Let's have a bet!” he exclaimed and grinned.

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