25: Pocky

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Kai’s POV.

What the hell! This was not a part of my plan! Sleeping outside? Never! I don’t even sleep on cheap mattresses, yet alone outside? On a thin foam mattress? No, I have too much pride for that.

But my pride got thrown in the trash can when I found out that I’ll be sleeping with Sam. Alone. In a small tent.  I laughed evilly in my mind. This is even better.


Sam's POV.

“Sucks to be you,” Sarang whispered to me after the leader announced the punishment.

“This is hell!” I said.

“Trade places with Heeyoung, I’m sure she will do it.”

“Are you kidding me? I bet that woman can’t even stay near a forest for 5 minutes without having a fit.” I joked. Sarang laughed and that’s when I realized that she’s not like the other girls in school that are swooning over Kai and Yihyun.

“I’m Sarang,” she said and put on a smile. I forced a smile back while Sarang taking out her hand for me to shake it. I stared at it for a few seconds.

“Is something wrong with my hand?” she asked and checked it. I chuckled and grabbed it before shaking her hand.

“Sorry, old habit. My name is Sam.”


“Couple games!” Ms. Ahn, one of the teachers here announced. I was sitting outside with Sarang when Ms. Ahn called for everyone. Me and Sarang looked at each other weirdly. Couple games? What the fuck? I asked Sarang about the time and she answered that it is 6 p.m. I hadn’t talked to Kai ever since the canoe incident. Shit shit shit.

Ms. Ahn cleared her throat when everyone was gathered.

“Couple games are considered as bonus games. The winner gets small scores that are counted in the triathlon. There may or may not be more couple games, but this is the first one so take this opportunity and try to win.”

“This round is going to be the Pocky game!” she said excitedly. I widened my eyes with an open mouth.


I could feel Sarang’s hand coming near my neck, trying to close my mouth. I flinched and automatically pushed her hand away.

“Don’t do that!” I said seriously. “I’m extremely ticklish around the neck area.”

Sarang showed both her palms like she didn’t have any bad intentions. “Sorry,” she said.

“Pocky game, how childish,” she continued. “Looks like your partner is excited.”

I scanned the ring, trying to find Kai’s face. When I found him, I realized that Sarang was being sarcastic because he didn’t seem amused at all.

Our feelings are mutual.

I watched how everyone shyly did it and applauded when they finished. It was funny now and then when they started to make weird grimaces and weird noises when their lips were close. The pocky sticks were about 20 cm long and the record at the moment was 2,9 cm. I laughed when Sarang came over to sit next to me after she and her partner, who is a junior, did it.

“I feel like a pedophile,” she said while chewing. She didn’t break the record though, which was a shame.

“Good job anyway.” I patted her back.

“Yihyun and Myungsoo,” the leader announced. They stood up and took the pocky that Ms. Ahn handed over. “Whenever you’re ready.”

He had to bend down a little to get at her height level. He put one side while she grabbed the other one. Yihyun had a disgusted face expression while Myungsoo just seemed like he wanted to finish this as quickly as possible. They went closer and closer and I could see how Myungsoo and Yihyun flexed their bodies. They both cut the pocky in the same time making the bit fall down. Myungsoo picked it up and handed it to Ms. Ahn so she could measure it.

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