48: Away

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Sam’s POV.

I stared at the ceiling, following the golden swirls on the panels while taking deep calm breaths through my mouth. This night was slightly chillier than usual so I shifted a little on the couch before wrapping the thin blanket that was covering my body tighter. I tried to take my mind off of a certain somebody but it was impossible. In the end, it was futile to even try.

Just thinking about his name made something inside of me flutter in joy, making my heart pace increase slightly, thumping in a certain tact that was unusual. Uneven yet calming.

It was a feeling I could get used to, making me love and hate it at the same time. No one has ever succeeded to make me feel this way as corny as it sounds and I was happy about that. Thinking about all of the stories that I have heard about love making one go crazy made me shiver.

Would I be one of those desperate girls that would throw away their dignity for a guy? I cringed from the thought.

Luckily my phone buzzed, interrupting my thoughts before they would go out of hand and make me paranoid. It was lying on the floor so I have to move around a little on the nice but uncomfortable couch to be able to pick it up.

I sighed in annoyance when it was just one of those reminders that my battery was low and needed to be charged. While rolling my eyes, I put it back on the floor while thinking that I would charge it tomorrow because I was too lazy to search for my charger now.

After twisting and turning around for a while I let out an irritated breath through my nose. My mind refused to stop working, imagining cheesy stuff I would like to do with Kai like going on dates and simply enjoying each other’s presence. I would shake my head like a little kid now and then from the ridiculous ideas that occupied my mind.

It was wrong of me to do that. Me and Kai weren’t an item; at least I don’t remember agreeing on that. Come to think of it, the talk Kai and I had in the janitor’s closet were all a big blur after that kiss. I struggled to find a word that fit the kiss with no avail. It was just thatamazing.

It was not like I could compare it to any other kisses though. The kiss me and Myungsoo shared was more of a peck than a kiss and my first kiss with Kai wasn’t as passionate as this one I shared recently.

I could still feel his calloused fingertips on my skin, making my skin prickle. The way his lips moved against mine and how he hungrily devoured me. As cliché as it sounds; saying it felt like heaven was an extreme understatement. It was like a wake-up call, letting me know what I have missed and how alive I could feel around him.

I liked the person I was around Kai. Every person acts differently around different people to adjust themselves around them. The one I was around Kai made me feel better about myself, more ‘me’ and more comfortable. Would someone else besides him make me feel this relaxed? I didn’t want to, but I doubted it.

Earlier, after me and Kai blew off some steam inside the janitor’s closet, I went downstairs after agreeing on staying. The maids didn’t act different but they just looked at me knowingly before smiling. I wouldn’t smile back. Instead, I turned around to look at Kai and he would only smile as if nothing was wrong as well, making me raise an eyebrow.

Kai and I were the only ones eating dinner because grandma mysteriously disappeared somewhere while Mrs. Kim was still out with Kai’s father.

It was awkward at the dinner table with only two people eating. I told the maids that they could join to make it less awkward but Kai, being the master that he is, would only give a disapproving look to them making them cower away in obedience.

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