22: Oppa

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Kai was following me around in the store while I was throwing in anything delicious-looking I laid eyes on into the basket. He stared back and forth at the things flying in and flying out because I regretted some. I took snacks, energy drinks, flavored milk, candies and cookies. “Do you want something?” I asked him. You’re paying for everything anyway.

“No,” he said and looked at the basket I was holding. “You’ve taken everything.” Calling me fat huh?

I ignored him and continued walking. I was feeling somewhat ill because I was still a bit sick and I had a cold too. I didn’t want to complain because I don’t like it when people start overreacting, especially my parents. I had a feeling Kai would overreact too.


I stood in line while Kai stood next to me like a good kid. He couldn’t stop commenting on the amount of stuff I'm, well he, since technically he's buying. It was our turn and the cashier smiled at us before calculating the price. I opened one bag of chips before it was even paid and started eating. Kai gave me a scolding look and it was saying, “put it back, idiot.” The cashier was done counting and was about to tell the price for everything. I stared at her while putting in more and more chips in my mouth. Here it comes; I bet it’s expensive as fuck.

“97,500 won,” the cashier said. Me and Kai widened our eyes at her and so did the rest of the queue. The cashier had already put everything in plastic bags so I grabbed them and said, “He’s paying,” and pointed at Kai with my chin. I let out a tiny evil giggle before storming out. Kai was still standing there, completely speechless and dumbfounded.


He was still mad at me for tricking him into paying while looking for our seats in the train. I was munching chips sloppily while he did all the hard work. He finally found the two seated spots and ordered me to get in next to the windows. I flipped open the mini table attached to the seat in front of me and put my snacks and drinks on it. Kai sat grumpily next to me while leaning on the armrest between the two of us. I snickered before opening an energy drink and drinking it. He looked at me and suddenly snatched it away from me.

“Hey! I was drinkin-” He took a big sip and slammed it at the table to me before smirking. I couldn’t help but to think that both of us just had an indirect kiss right now.

“Are you blushing because we just had an indirect kiss just now?” he said amusingly. How did he know?

“Shut up, I’m not blushing. And I don’t care.”

He leaned in closer to me. “Then why aren’t you drinking it?” I made a repulsive look before pushing him away. Ugh, it’s going to be a long three hours.


Kai was reading a magazine while I was texting with Myungsoo. I texted him that I will be like an hour late and that I was with Kai so I was okay. He was worried about Kai being a pain in the ass towards me. Although it was me who was being a pain because I was throwing M&M’s at Kai’s face now while he was busy reading. I was trying to kill time because I was bored and this was the only option according to me. I was aiming on his pointy nose when he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

“Are you having fun?” he asked. I nodded innocently like a little puppy. I could see that he softened up; his grip on my wrist did too. “Eat something instead,” he said. I proudly showed my table full with empty bottles and plastic wrappings. He smirked before continuing reading. I decided to go to sleep because I was feeling a bit sick so I pulled my hoodie over while leaning against the windows. Kai suddenly slapped my lap with the magazine; he had a grin on his face.

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