9: Luhan

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A moment later, I arrived at the mansion. I fixed my hair that got tangled in the air from Myungsoo's fast speed.

“Thank you,” I thanked him genuinely, which is quite rare. “For giving me a ride home.”

“No problem, maybe I can give you a ride to school tomorrow too?” he asked while his eyes brightened up. I started to look down because I didn’t feel comfortable from his sudden request. Sure, it was nice of him but what does he gain from it? “Only if you want to,” he quickly added when he noticed that I got all awkward and uncomfortable.

“No, it’s okay. Thank you. Again,” I waved goodbye and turned around before he would notice how stiff I suddenly got.

He waited until I went inside before leaving so I looked back to him, signaling that he can go before I opened the front door to the Kim's residence.

There was a whole other atmosphere inside. The house was quiet. Too quiet actually.

I looked around and saw nobody, not even the maids that usually goes around cleaning. But judging from the way the lights were on, somebody had to be at home.

I shrugged before I went upstairs because I was tired and wanted to sleep from this overwhelming day. Surprisingly I got to know people today and if I told Hana the amount of people I got to know today, she wouldn't believe me. She would've believed me though if I told her that I got slapped on the first day because I'm the typical girl that draws drama.

I listened carefully for signs of Kai being in the bedroom before I slowly turned the door knob around and took a sneak peak.

“He’s not here,” I whispered in relief before I would enter because I wouldn't have the strenght to argue with him right now.

“I’m right behind you,” he said which made me jump in surprise, making my heart skip a beat.

I quickly turned around and saw him towering over my petite figure. My heart skipped a few beats when I saw him gazing down on me. Both of us stared at each other for a while, not minding the awkward position again. I felt my body become warmer because this is probably the closest and most intense moment I have ever had with a guy. I started tracing his facial features from the close proximity. They were perfect. His hair was a little messy, but it looked really good on him. I snapped out of my thoughts when he said something arrogant.

“I look good, don’t I?” he grinned. I scoffed before I rolled my eyes.

“No. Bye,” I said sternly and went inside. I was about to close the door when he stopped it with his hand, pushing it back open while his eyes were locked on mine. He always made eye contact with me and the thought of that made me shiver.

“Are you trying to lock me outside my own room?” he asked while his left eyebrow went upwards.

“What do you want?” I said, getting straight to the point. He obviously wanted something from the way he constantly bugs me.


I stared at him in disbelief, trying to call his bluff. He just stared right back while his arm was leaning against the door over my head, looking confident. I narrowed my eyes on him seriously which made him smile, making his eye form into crescent moons.

“Quit bluffing,” I said in an unimpressed voice before crossing my arms like I was superior.

“How did you know?” he said in the same tone before his facial expression changed. He looked emotionless.

“I know how guys like you work," I said seriously. "You think you are all high and mighty and can get any girl you like or see.”

“I accept,” he said casually. 

I scowled at him for his random sentence; “What the hell are you talking about?” I questioned with an edgy tone.

“I accept,” he repeated, making the fury inside of me grow.

“Whatever,” I said in a spoiled matter before I walked away. I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing me throw a fit because that's exactly what he wanted. “Close the door,” I said with an attitude before I lay on the couch.

He smirked before he glared at me, turned around and left. He purposely shut the door hard to make a loud sound so it would irritate me more since he was being disrespectful.

I was rolling my eyes from his childish behaviour when my phone beeped, signaling that I have a new text message.

"Call me". It was from Hana. I immediately lightened up because I needed someone to talk to right now, so I called her. The phone only beeped once before she picked up.

“Hel-” I started but she interrupted me before I could even greet her properly.

"Where is Kai? Is Luhan there too?! "she said instantly. I rolled my eyes again because I should've expected that she wanted to talk about EXO and Luhan and whatever.

“Kai is here, well not in the room but in the house," I said as a matter of factly. "And no, Luhan is not here,” I said with a monotone, already tired of this EXO subject. I was a little disappointed because I wanted to talk about how much I hated being here, not the opposite.

“Be nice to him! I know how you act around like boys, you become this, well... bitch,” she said like it was the most normal thing in the world. My mouth dropped slightly from her choice of words but I took it lightly because it was kind of true.

“What the hell, why do you take his side? You are so fooled from his so called Idol image, he’s not like that at all,” I said, feeling a bit disappointed.

“But, do you... like him?”

“No, are you stupid? How can I, he’s an asshole. I dislike him, I despise him, I hate him!" I exaggerated before sighing. "I hope this summer goes by fast so that I can go back home. I miss everything besides this,” I said, feeling a bit gloomy at the moment. I was also exhausted so it turned into the grumpy mode.

“Isn’t there a saying that opposites attract? Like, if you hate somebody, you will eventually love them?” she said positively but it just sounds wrong. Maybe she did that on purpose.

“Don’t say that, jeez. You and your love stuff. No wonder you have no boyfriend.”

Hana scoffed before she chuckled; “Says the girl who is single herself,” she said stating the obvious, making my eyes roll.


Me and Hana spoke for an hour because I was catching up with things, even though not a long time passed by, and was actually having fun talking to her. Suddenly I heard noises from downstairs like male voices and it was not just one, it was a whole group. I was hoping that Kai hangs out with Myungsoo because I was secretely hoping he was downstairs. The group of guys were really loud and they laughed and shouted random things that made no sense, really.

Me and Hana decided to hang up because the loud group of guys or men were distracting.

“Say hello to Kai from me! And Luhan if you see him!” she said happily. Never. I thought and just hung up before she could continue on how handsome Luhan is.

I was getting up from the couch when suddenly the door burst open completely out of nowhere, making my body jerk in surprise. A guy started walking in with heavy steps and he was as surprised to see me too judging from the way his eyes slightly bulged from his eye sockets from seeing me.

“Kai!" he shouted. "You got a nice chick in here! Yet a foreigner,” he continued to yell, hoping Kai from downstairs would hear.

“No way!” I heard other guys shout from downstairs, totally excited. I scoffed from their reaction and looked at the guy standing in front of me. He had white skin, well brighter than Kai because obviously Kai had a tanned skin, and brown hair that matched his skintone. His eyes were small and they looked innocent naturally. He looked familiar which made my eyes narrow on him, trying to remember him from somewhere.

I chuckled; “Lucky Hana,” I said sarcastically in whisper when I realized who it was.

Your wish came true now. I’ve seen Luhan now.

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