30: VIP

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Sam's POV.

"Everyone, back to their cottages." Leader Seung said through the megaphone. The sun was setting down and everybody slowly went back to their places in the end. I sat on my bed next to Sarang while looking at her drawing something on her sketch block. A female teacher, Ms. Lee came through the door while holding a bunch of papers. Everyone except for me and Sarang cared about what she wanted.

"Listen ladies! These are forms you have to answer about yourself. They are going to help us a lot with the activites," she said out loud for everyone to hear. Everyone sighed because they are too lazy to fill it but did it without complaining. I grabbed one for myself and one for Sarang. I furrowed my eyebrows from the questions.

"What the hell is this?" I asked Sarang. The questions were weird and mostly about myself like my hobbies, favourite food and color. Sarang stopped drawing and turned her attention to the forms. She read them and just shrugged.

"I don't know, just fill them in. Maybe they're trying to figure out what we like so we can do something in common," she said and filled in the blanks. I just looked at her and did the same even though I thought it was weird.


The past two weeks passed by really quickly. Though my partner was unable to attain the last remaining days, I had fun. Me and Myungsoo would be each other's company since Kai was out and Yihyun didn't seem to care about Myungsoo at all. One time the two of us went out and started fishing in the lake even though we knew we weren't allowed to. He assured me that he would be the one taking the blame if we got caught. It was these kinds of things that made me trust Myungsoo.

"You're thinking really hard right now," Myungsoo said while he played with his fishing pole. I answered him truthfully and hoped he would answer the same.

"Why don't you and Kai get along?" I noticed that he stiffened up from my question. "Because I'm pretty sure that the fight that occurred at Sunggyu's residence wasn't the first one."

"Uhm.. well.. It's true, there's a past and there's a reason for that," he said. I looked at him while he looked at his fishing pole. "We liked Yihyun when we were younger," Wait, they both liked Yihyun!? I face-palmed myself from the information. "We kind of fought for her and I guess I won," he continued and made a quotation mark on the word won. "She liked me better back then and ever since she chose me over him, he never really liked me." What the hell did they see in her!? She's so awful. He looked up when I didn't answer and smiled. "But if you know how Yihyun works, you'll know what she did afterwards."

"What did she do?"

"She went to Kai when she noticed that he didn't want her anymore. I guess she likes the chase," he continued. I nodded to show that I understood the situation.

"Do you still like her?" I asked him carefully.

"God no," he answered quickly. "I was young and stupid back then. I mean weren't we all?"

I let out a small laughter and nodded my head in agreement.


There was one couple game the next day that could make me earn a few points, but Kai wasn't here so I couldn't participate.

"Last day today," Myungsoo said as he sat next to me on the bench outside. I nodded my head and drank the cup of tea I made earlier. It was still hot so I had to blow cool air on it sometimes. "When is the last event starting?"

"In a few minutes, I think," I said and looked at the teachers and the leader. They were sitting in a ring and discussed about something. Probably the last event, I thought and focused on blowing my cup of tea again.

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