50: Antagonist

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Kai’s POV.

Her soft hair tickled my chin making me stir in my sleep. The sun beamed more than usual and I felt like I had been out for ages because of how good I had slept.

I hugged Sam tighter, pressing my chest against her back even more. I noticed that I was almost lying on top of her, making her dip into the bed while she rested one side of her cheek on the pillow.

I nestled my nose into her neck while inhaling her sweet intoxicating scent. I felt her shift underneath me while my eyes were closed. I was still half asleep and I wasn’t planning on waking up soon so I continued lying on top of her while smiling with eyes still closed.

“Hunter get off me,” she mumbled in her sleep before hugging her pillow tighter. I smirked in amusement because she thought I was her little brother.

“It’s me, Kai,” I replied with my raspy morning voice.

Sam sighed, “Even worse.”

I scoffed and shook my head lightly because I knew she was just teasing me. I hugged her neck and gave her a headlock while she groaned.

“Stop it,” she whined, “It’s morning,” she complained and tried to unhook my arms from her neck.

“I could stop but I don’t want to,” I said and hugged her neck tighter before lying on top of her completely. She growled in frustration while trying to turn around with no avail. Her face sunk deeper into the pillow before she gave up.

She quickly accepted the fact that I wasn’t moving and tried to go back to sleep. She hummed in satisfaction when I caressed her arm soothingly, feeling her soft skin. I tried to go back to sleep as well but being awake while surrounding her petite body felt better.

“I like this.”

It surprised me that those words left her lips. Usually it’s hard to make her satisfied.

“It makes me feel safe,” she continued while taking a deep breath, making my body fall up and down at the same time with hers.

I dug my head deeper in the hollow of her neck and sighed in content, “You should. You will always be safe around me.”

That sentence made her turn around completely, making me almost lie on top of her. Usually she would turn red whenever we were in such an intimate position but she remained still and looked me in the eyes with a slight frown.

“How do I know that you won’t hurt me again?” she questioned.

I stared back while resting on my forearms, one on each side of her.

“You don’t,” I said truthfully, “You will just have to trust me.”

She smiled a little before I grinned and played with a strand of hair that was resting on her shoulder. She continued staring at me while I tried to make a braid out of it, concentrating on it a bit too much. We had shifted a little in a more comfortable position so I was lying in between her legs while focusing on the braid I attempted to make.

Suddenly I heard light snores so I looked up only to see that she had fallen asleep again. I glared at her.

This girl. How can she fall sleep so easily?

Her mouth was slightly ajar and her cheeks were slightly rosier than usual. I pushed myself up a little to see how the braid looked on her from afar before resting on top of her again. I tried to make another one but someone suddenly knocked on the door making me freeze.

I slapped her cheek lightly to make her wake up but she only shifted her body a little before going back to dreamland. I decided to pinch her cheeks together with one hand, making her mouth pout out cutely.

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