16: Jealousy

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"I don't get it. Why am I in?" I asked the duo while yawning. The little meeting I had in the cafeteria ended and it went by really fast since I slept the whole time. I was a little annoyed since I wanted some more sleep but I forced myself to go to the next lesson. To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to it.

“I don’t know. Maybe they just randomly pick people,” Hyeri said and shrugged.

“Yah, you fool. Consider yourself lucky. You get to be with Myungsoo, the cutie!” Minji squealed and Hyeri joined right afterwards making me sigh. I glared at them before thinking that Myungsoo isn't so bad. Besides, he's nice to me unlike the others.

“I bet Yihyun is jumping out of joy right now,” Hyeri said in a bitter tone. 

Oh right, Kai is in. And he’s with Yihyun. It must be fated. Evil people are meant to be together, they are like magnets.


Myungsoo met up with me after school and started talking about how lucky he was to get me as a partner. The two of us became comfortable with each other since it wasn’t so awkward anymore. He now started to get used to my cold attitude and knew how I worked. He went slowly since he knew I easily got scared when people approached me too fast.

We walked home together instead of taking the bus since the sun was shining brightly.

“So, are we planning on winning this thing or are we just going to slack?” He looked down on me and smiled. I looked up but shifted to the ground again since I didn’t know what to answer yet. Both of us were walking to close to each other but I didn’t mind since I knew Myungsoo doesn’t think of me in that way.

“I am not planning on winning. I didn’t even want to be chosen,” I responded with a cold voice.

“Me neither. I guess we will just pretend that we are focusing on winning,” he said, making a small chuckle rumble in his chest.

The two of us separated when I reached the mansion that was surrounded by the familiar massive trees. Under one of them, I saw this familiar car and thought about how much it looked like my family's car. But then I realized that it is my family’s car, making my eyes widen in surprise.

They’re here? 

I quickly started to run towards the door and opened it hastily and as expected my family was there. A burst of joy ran through my body, thinking that they came to visit me. I immediately ran to my parents when I spotted them and hugged them while Hunter looked grumpy as always.

“Hey Sam!” my father said and smiled. I hugged him tightly and inhaled his familiar scent. His scent comforted me ever since I was a little kid, making me feel safe. I hugged my mom before turning to Hunter. He didn’t seem excited about meeting me and he looked tired.

“Why the long face?” I asked him and ruffled his hair to irritate him. He moved away and made an annoyed face. He quickly started fixing his hair.

“Hana didn’t let me sleep through the whole ride! I can’t believe there is someone who is more annoying than you are.” 

What? Hana?

“SURPRISE!!” someone screamed behind me making me wince my pain from the high pitched sound. Of course I knew who it was. I would recognize that annoying voice anywhere. I turned around and saw her, smiling brightly at me with an overly excited facial expression. My response wasn’t as excited as hers but I was still happy that she was here so I hugged her. Apparently she was surprised from the suddenness.

“Wow, you’re hugging me now. Did Kai change you?” she joked before patting my ass.

I immediately let go of her and looked at her with a bizarre expression from her sudden question. Both Kai’s parents and mine looked at me curiously. Her question arose suspicious thoughts.

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