17: Pool Party

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"Do you like her?" Xiumin asked me in broken Chinese, earning a light chuckle from me. Chanyeol looked at us in a confused way.

“Slow down with the Chinese! I have to understand this too,” he said in panic and scooted closer to me and hyung. “What did you ask him, hyung?”

“Move,” Xiumin said and shoved Chanyeols face away before he laughed at the way Chanyeol looked when he got shoved away.

“No,” I answered him back. Technically, I wasn’t lying. I don’t know myself. I can never trust my feelings since they change so fast and randomly. That’s what happened with Yihyun. I thought I was in love with her.

But I’ll have to admit, seeing Sam with Sehun made me jealous. That doesn’t mean I like her though, right?


“I don’t believe you,” Lay said out of nowhere, making both Xiumin and Chanyeol confused. “I saw you across the room you punk. Believe me, you like her,” he said in mandarin and sat next to me before hitting my shoulder. I frowned and hit him back.

“I don’t.”

“Looks like me and Tao are winning,” Lay sang and I looked at him confused since I didn't understand. “You’ll see,” he said amused before he grinned his famous smile, showing off his dimples.


Sam's POV.

Hana threw herself on the couch while I closed the door after I arrived at the house. I could almost hear her smile from one ear to the other as she couldn't stop making noises. I looked at her and saw her smiling while hugging herself and I knew she was thinking of Luhan since she started to squeal out of nowhere.

“What are you doing,” I asked in a monotone while I threw my bag on the floor.

“Best day of my life!”

Even though I was happy for her, I couldn’t help but to think that, if they would become a couple, it wouldn’t last.

One; He’s Luhan. Why would he go for Hana? She’s great and all but he could have any girl he likes.

Two; He’s Luhan. He’s practically an idol now. Everybody knows about him and he’s popular. I have seen the shit people write about him and it's bloody worrisome how they aren't jailed yet for being so sexual.

Three; He’s Luhan! He lives far, far away from us. How would that work out?

I saw her texting someone while smiling so widely that it almost looked unnatural.

“Who are you texting?” I asked her suspiciously while my eyes focused on her.

“Who do you think?” she said all giddy.



I felt lonely the last few days ever since Hana and my family left. I kind of felt relieved too since they became bothersome after a while. The guest room was almost finished and I couldn’t wait to sleep in there since it meant I could avoid Kai.

Me and Kai wouldn’t see each other that much since he would always practice. And as the jerk he is, whenever I would see each other he would purposely piss me off. For instance, when I am about to grab something off of a plate to eat, he would always take if before I could just to annoy me. I would always let him have it since I didn’t want to argue with him but that just seemed to spurr him on even more.

But there was something strange about him. Sure he was acting like a jerk. But he talked less and started giving me looks I never saw before making my throat dry in nervousness.

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