28: The Fact

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"You know, I'm getting tired of you and your eye rolling," Kai said when I rolled my eyes while sitting next to him. It was time for the second event and my body was aching from pain. I was a little grumpy and my attitude wasn't perfect at the time, although it never really is.

"I'm tired of you in general," I retorted. But it was a complete lie, of course. But he doesn't know that. Kai narrowed his eyes at me and ignored my little comeback.

"The treasure hunt is finally here, aren't you excited?" the leader, Mr. Seung said through a megaphone. The participants answered back but it only sounded like they were murmuring incoherent words.

Me and Kai looked absolutely uninterested in what he was saying and looked at the ground while playfully stomping on each other's feet. He was talking about the rules and how last year's participants did well. What really made me and Kai look up was when he talked about the punishment.

"The losing team will sleep outside again like Sam and Kai did. I wish you the best of luck!" he said. Me and Kai looked at each other like we were thinking the same thing.

"We can't lose this time," he said.


Me and Kai were walking together while looking at a map we just got. He was holding half of it while I held the other half because it was so big. Couples were spread all over the place because not everyone got the same map. The event was to go to the place where the cross is, like a treasure hunt. When we make it there, a teacher will be waiting there. He or she will ask us a hard question and if we answer it right, we get another map with another destination. In the end everyone arrives at the final stop if we succeed. It will all be timed and the last couple loses. If we don't know the answer on one of the stops, we have to do annoying small missions to get a clue.

Unfortunately, me and Kai never made it to one of the stops because we got lost. In a humongous forest. How typical.

"Un-freakin' believable!" I burst out. "How did we get here?!"

"I don't know. I just followed you," he replied.

"Well I followed you!"

"Then I guess we followed each other!" he raised his voice.

"And look where it got us, moron!" I yelled.

"Hey, don't blame this on me!" he yelled back and pointed at me. "It's your fault too!"

"Whatever," I said and rolled my eyes and fastened my pace. He watched me walk away from him and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Hey- don't walk away from me like that!" he shouted and tried to catch up with me. What a dumbass.


"Let's just go back to the start point," I said tiredly. My menstrual cramps were being a pain in the ass. Kai was fortunately being nice to me after I yelled at him. It was partly for PMS and partly because it is Kai. How can I not yell at him time to time? He's as stubborn as a mule.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded my face while trying to keep a straight face. I hate it when people see my weak side.

"It's okay to show that you're in pain, you know," he said while looking around. We were surrounded by trees and only trees. I didn't even want to ask myself how we got here.

"I'm not in pain," I lied. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You act like a machine. I'm going to throw a party when you let out an emotion," he joked. I threw him a death glare. "Kidding," he said and pinched my cheek. He smiled when he saw my eyes squint at the fingers pinching my cheeks. "Cute."

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