45: Return

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The last few days in Seoul went by incredibly fast and I hadn’t realized it until grandma mentioned it on my last day.

It was weird how me and grandma could communicate even though she could barely speak Korean and I could barely speak Chinese. I mostly used body language and easy words and she seemed to understand. Sometimes I would just let one of the Chinese speaking maids translate what I wanted or the other way around.

Unlike the grandma I first met she had changed her attitude towards me after the day she started helping me. She joked and she laughed wholeheartedly making me on a good mood which I was thankful for or else my depressing thoughts would take over me. It seemed like she could lighten up the mood quickly just by smiling.

She and I bonded extremely quickly which took my mind off of him. He would pop up in my head now and then making my face turn in a slight frown but cleaning the house kept me distracted. Grandma even showed me how to get and handle the perfect garden so the last days here were spent outside with grandma.

Mrs. Kim actually got a little suspicious when she noticed both of us spending a lot of time together and I could see that she got a little jealous. I would try to engage her in whatever the two of us were doing but she quickly left after grandma scowled at her incredulously for butting in. I would smile in secrecy for the effort Mrs. Kim put in just to please the old woman but quickly felt sorry for her after seeing the face she made when she failed.

“How do you do it?” Mrs. Kim whispered amazed behind my back while looking at grandma. Mrs. Kim and I went inside to have a drink to refill my body with liquid on this hot afternoon.

I shrugged; “I don’t know. She just kind of… accepted me somehow.”

Honestly, I even started to question this sudden bond with grandma. Why did she suddenly change? Did she happen to see me and Kai that night as well? It would have been so typical because one thing I have learned is that woman is everywhere.

I stopped questioning it thought because it was something positive. I remembered something Hana always told me; Stop questioning it if it’s good and let it flow.  I was lucky I thought. Who wants to be on grandma’s bad side? She is quite scary.

Mrs. Kim shook her head; “I’ve tried to gain her respect for over thirty years with no luck and you make it so easy. You are skilled Sam, you are skilled,” she said honestly before narrowing her eyes playfully. I chuckled before gulping down the icy cold water, making my throat chilly.


Me and Mrs. Kim talked for an hour, sitting in the kitchen while eating food that the maids made. They were trying out different dishes so they made a lot in small portions for me and Mrs. Kim to taste while chatting about unimportant matters and topics.

I was slurping on spaghetti when Mrs. Kim brought up Kai, making me cough in surprise. “Have you talked to Kai? I miss my boy terribly.”

I swallowed before answering; “Uh, no. Not since he left.”

She sighed before resting her head on her hand while slouching like a little kid making me smile,

“What a shame. He is supposed to arrive at home now but apparently his boss extended his time over there. You guys won’t be able to say goodbye before you leave!” she ended it with a sad tone.

I looked down on my food while chewing, feeling my mood go downwards already. I was happy and sad at the same time but I had already accepted it and it was bound to happen so I shrugged it off while pushing the thought away.

Mrs. Kim noticed it and narrowed her eyes on me, knowing something was fishy but she didn’t say anything. I ignored her looks on purpose while staring at the white wall with different patterns. Even though it was white and simple, it looked luxurious matching the expensive and neat furniture inside.

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